Crowdfunding since 2010

In general

Crowdfunding is a financial model in which several people (the "crowd") jointly finance an idea or project (the "funding").

How does it work?
The project initiator introduces their idea through videos, images, and text; sets the funding goal and time frame, and decides on rewards for the supporters. Anyone who wants to help make the idea a reality is free to support a project. Supporters can pick a reward, the finished product for instance, or support the project with a free amount. 

Crowdfunding on Startnext follows the "all-or-nothing" principle: The starter receives the money only if the funding goal is reached; if not, the contributions are returned to the supporters.

Startnext regularly attends and participates in events. We give workshops or presentations on crowdfunding. There is a number of events throughout the year. We have complied a list of upcoming events for you here.  The list contains events where we are attending and also events which are hosted by our partners. Please note the page is only available in German at the moment.

You are organizing an event and would like to invite or book Startnext? Please contact us via the link below. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Our cooperation partners can create partner pages. A partner page serves organisations to curate and promote projects on Startnext. You will find more information such as which organizational form a page is useful for and which added value we offer here:

You would like to become a cooperation partner, but you are not interested in a partner page? Please write us a message using the link below. We are looking forward to your ideas!

We have launched our very own podcast!  We interview founders and people in the creative community who have successfully funded their ideas. They share their stories, how they realized their dreams, the road from inception to realization of their ideas and give insights into their struggels and sucesses. 

The podcast is in German, if you are interested you can find all eposides on our website or on iTunes, Spotify and Podigee. Be sure to subscribe!

User account

Nice that you want to become part of the Startnext Crowd.

To register, enter your first and last name, email and password under "New here?". After that you are already logged in on Startnext. You will receive a welcome email at the same time. With the entered email and password you can log in later on Startnext at any time again and 

  • support projects
  • manage and edit your data, projects and supports in your account
  • write comments on the project wall
  • start your own project

If you are new to Startnext, you will see a banner at the bottom of all Startnext emails asking you to confirm your email.

When you start a project, it will be mandatory to confirm your email. If you can't find an email with this banner, you can request a new activation email here.

If you cannot recall your password you can reset it with a few simple steps:

  • Click the Forgot password link
  • Enter your email address
  • Enter the security query code as displayed
  • Click 'Request email'

You will receive a link via email. Follow the link and set a new password.

If you want to change your email adress follow this steps:

  • Please Log in with your current email
  • Click on your account icon in the upper right corner and open the menu
  • Click on email & password
  • Fill in the email adress you want to use for your Startnext account
  • Enter the security query
  • Click save

As a guest supporter you can request a password and get access to your settings.

We are sorry to see you go!

If you would like to delete your account please follow this steps:

  • click on your account icon on the upper right corner and open the menu 
  • click "Privacy"
  • scroll down to "Delete account"
  • check the checkbox, that you will delete your account
  • Click the Button

Please note, that once your account has been deleted, it cannot be recovered.

As a guest supporter you can request a password and get access to your settings.

You can change your name at any time, even after you have supported or started a project.

If you want to change your first and last name, do it like this:

  • Log in
  • Click on the account icon in the upper right corner and open your user menu
  • Click on the item Settings
  • There you enter a new first and last name
  • Click on Save 

Please not, that the change will affect all projects you have supported or started.

As a guest supporter you can request a password and get access to your settings.

You have the possibility to export a copy of your data on Startnext. You can export the following data in a CSV file:

  • Personal information
  • Support details
  • Project details

This steps guide you through the export process step by step:

  1. Log in
  2. Click on the account icon in the upper right corner and open the user menu
  3. Click on Privacy
  4. Scroll below and under Export data click on Learn more
  5. You can export your data by clicking Generate export
  6. The export will be sended to your email inbox.

As a guest supporter you can request a password and get access to your settings.


You can send messages to registered users via our messaging system. How does it work?

  1. Log in at Startnext.
  2. Go to the profile of the user you'd like to get in touch with.
  3. Click the "Write a message" button.
Note: You cannot attach files to messages to other users.

You couldn't find your question or it was not answered yet? We are looking forward to your feedback and will be happy to help you. You can write to us using the link below. We will get back to you within 3 working days.

You need an answer now? You may find the answer to your question using a different key word or in one of the other categories.

You have feedback for us? We appreciate your feedback and take criticism and suggestions for improvement seriously. Thank you for helping us to become even better!

Once you are logged in, go to your profile settings and then to "notifications". There, you can set your email notification preferences for how often you’d like to be notified when you receive a new message. You have the following options:

  • immediately
  • daily
  • weekly
  • never

Please note if you deactivate the email notifications, you won't be informed when a starter or another user messages you.

  1. Log in and go to your Startnext inbox.
  2. Click on the menu on the top right of the message.
  3. Click "Unsubscribe conversation".

You'll find an overview of your messages in your profile.

  • If you have unread messages, you'll get a notification on the top right of the page.
  • If your email notifications are activated, you'll also receive the information via email.


If a project violates the law (e.g. copyright, trademark law, personal rights) or our guidelines, your can report an abuse. You'll find a "Report Abuse" button on every project page, which you can use to let us know about any violations.