Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Johann Angermann

Deutschland / Pfaffenhofen

Johann Angermann believes that great ideas and concepts deserve a great video. Videography is a powerful tool to reach people’s hearts and convey one’s ideals and beliefs. After finishing his camera diploma at the Bavarian Film Academy he is currently working with Andreas Dobner in Munich.

With his project Guts for Change he realized his first big multimedia Campaign where he raised funds for a sanitation project in India und crowdfunded his first movie.

As a member of Guts for Change Johann has undertaken two adventurous journeys to India, one travelled by bicycle in 2012 and the other one hitchhiked in 2014. Both trips were part of campaigns to raise awareness for the global sanitation crisis and fundraising for sanitation projects in India. Johann documented the endeavors of the Guts for Change Team and produced two movies showing the process of these projects both of which he initially crowdfunded on startnext.

Since 2015 Johann is a Crowdfunding Professional at Startnext - helping others with their Crowdfunding Campagns and producing pitch videos for starters.

“I believe that everybody has the power to change and make the world a bit better. With videography I'm glad to help you spread the word!”

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Bahnwärter Thiel

Rette den Atelierpark! Ein Ort auf Augenhöhe.

Um die Kulturstätte Bahnwärter Thiel entsteht seit über zwei Jahren ein Atelierpark. Hilf uns dieses Projekt fertigzustellen!
49.013 € (123%)
Rette den Atelierpark! Ein Ort auf Augenhöhe.
12/06/2020 Olympia


Ermögliche mit uns das größte Demokratie Festival
2.078.649 € (115%)

mimycri - from boats to bags

it's time to write a new story – mit eurer Unterstützung designen wir Taschen aus alten Schlauchbooten und schaffen Arbeitsplätze für Flüchtlinge.
43.166 € (432%)
mimycri  - from boats to bags
Landrauschen Kollektiv


Dein Heimatfilm
10.670 € (152%)


Jobcenter kürzen Menschen millionenfach unter das Existenzminimum. Das ist nicht okay. Lasst uns Hartz IV gemeinsam sanktionsfrei machen!
110.601 € (147%)

Stuttgart↔Berlin fair & günstig mit Locomore

Fair & günstig bahnfahren - mit Locomore ab Sept. 2016 zwischen Stuttgart und Berlin über Frankfurt und Hannover, beide Richtungen einmal täglich.
259.910 € (108%)
Stuttgart↔Berlin fair & günstig mit Locomore