Crowdfunding since 2010

The courageous shape the future

Startnext is a certified Benefit Corporation

As a Benefit-Corporation, companies are recognized worldwide to measure their success by the social benefits they create.


The idea behind Startnext is simple: Many people (crowd) finance (fund) together an idea, a project or a company. The starters create a Startnext project and describe their idea in a video, with pictures and text. They define a start level, a duration for the funding phase and rewards for the supporters. All those who want the idea to become or remain reality support the project during the funding phase with a free amount or with an order of a reward.


Denis and Tino have observed that founders, entrepreneurs and creative people face similar challenges: 

  • get visibility
  • building a community
  • raise the necessary capital
  • getting feedback & market test
  • finding and using networks

Startnext was founded in 2010 to support exactly that.

Our goal is to facilitate the better part of seed funding for creatives, inventors, social entrepreneurs und makers via Startnext. We want to increase the visibility for the ideas, to create more independence for the starters and more financial security thanks to the early market test.

Denis Bartelt, CEO and founder of Startnext

Who's behind Startnext?

Startnext is independent

The company belongs to the founders and is free of investors and shareholders. The crowd funds Startnext through voluntary support.
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The platform development team ensures that the online platform Startnext is always available, that all data is secure and that new features have a high added value for the community.

The community team advises and supports the starters and the crowd. In the Startnext Academy, they share, free of charge and personally, the cumulative knowledge of more than 10 years of crowdfunding.

The communication team tells the stories that are created on Startnext in social media or other formats. In addition, they carry Startnext actions with community-oriented added value to the community.

The collaboration team makes sure you can get additional support on top of your crowd. That's what we call cofunding.

Startnext also pursues the goal of achieving a significant positive impact on the common good as well as the environment.

Who are the daring ones?

In the Startnext universe there is a daring feeling, when something is important enough to take risks and stand up to opposition . Startnext is a community where this daring feeling is ignited by the following values.

  • Responsibility: all tasks and decisions follow the mission of promoting an equal and grandchild-friendly future.
  • Diversity: the spotlight is on Startnext projects and their diversity. For Startnext, valuing the diversity of perspectives is the foundation of a society free of discrimination, racism and sexism.
  • Creativity: Everything starts with an idea. At Startnext, everyone is allowed to dare to confront the old with the new. This way creates space for game changing power and innovation.
  • Transparency: Learning is the precondition of change. Startnext stands up for a transparent and learning community, where success and failure are visible and equally understood as a beginning.
  • Fun: There is this phrase: "Creativity is intelligence that is fun," which can be traced back to Einstein or maybe not. Basically this means, have fun every now and then.

Ally yourself

A specter is haunting the economy, the specter of purpose.

With this sentence, Startnext as an enterprise alludes at the early days of rebellious manifestos and illuminates its uprising for sustainable business ethics, courage and creativity.
