Crowdfunding since 2010

A photo book with more than 150 pictures from 20 photographers, telling groundwater stories of beauty, challenges, solutions, and human resilience.

The result of a spontaneous photostory competition. We received over 100 submissions from around the world and decided to launch a crowdfunding campaign for the Groundwater Photo Book with the best 150 pictures on the three major groundwater challenges: accessibility, contamination, and overextraction. Everyone behind the book is a volunteer and all the proceeds of the campaign will go to printing, organisation and editing cost. And we will compensate the contributing photographers!
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Funding period
8/23/22 - 10/31/22
November - December 2022
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 4,000 €

The money will fund the production of the Photo Book, i.e. primarily the layout, copy-editing, printing and shipping + equal remuneration to all photographers.

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Primary sustainable development goal
Drinking water & sanitation

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Groundwater Photo Book
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