Crowdfunding since 2010

Orientation Week 2015

Welcome to the StartNext Page of Leuphana Orientation Week 2015!

  • Together with your interdisciplinary team from different fields of studies you will be offered an opportunity to contribute to compelling social dilemmas by developing a social project.
  • In line with our topic "Societal Commitment & Social Entrepreneurship ", you and your team will work on a self chosen problem and develop a solution for it during the Orientation Week.
  • With the help of your tutors and mentors, you will be guided through the week from the first idea to a feasible project!

What is the Orientation Week all about?

The Leuphana Orientation Week is an integral part of the Leuphana University’s model of studies. Since 2007, this special opening has given the students the opportunity for a collective start into their studies. Besides the general introductions, in which they are familiarized with the University and their field of studies, every year is dominated by the development of a practical project.

The topic this year is "Societal Commitment & Social Entrepreneurship ". Together with your interdisciplinary team from different fields of studies you will be offered an opportunity to contribute to compelling social dilemmas by developing a social project. Renowned lecturers and experts as well as tutors and mentors will support and guide your work all the way through.

Leon Jakobeit

Deutsche Einheit auch für`s Abitur

Engagier dich jetzt für faire Bildung!
0 € (0%)
Deutsche Einheit auch für`s Abitur
Team Rainbow

Rainbow App

Disconnect. Dialogue. Donation.
0 € (0%)
Rainbow App


local business supports refugees
0 € (0%)
Die VeggieMaten

VeggieMat-2. Chance für verschmähtes Obst & Gemüse

An initiative against food waste
0 € (0%)
VeggieMat-2. Chance für verschmähtes Obst & Gemüse
Wiebke De

"Don't waste the taste" - das Essen leben lassen!

How can we expect vegetables or fruit to grow in predetermined way when humanity is based on the diversity of humans and their appearance.
0 € (0%)
Cornelius G.


#raceattention is an initiative to create awareness of racism in social media.
0 € (0%)

About us

Sustainability research, cultural research, education, management and entrepreneurship: Through these four science initiatives, in course work and research, Leuphana University of Lüneburg addresses the challenges of civil society in the 21st century. The bodies responsible for these initiatives are the faculties newly established in 2010: Education, Culture, Business und Sustainability. There are research topics spanning multiple faculties – in keeping with developments of current and future relevance – devoted to the Democracy, Digital Media and Health.

Companion to the substantive quality of the curriculum, Leuphana places particular reliance on students' responsibility, curiosity and initiative, on a broad-ranging change in perspective that questions presumably settled knowledge, and on dialogue not only among the various disciplines but between science and practice. The course of study follows a degree model unique to the German higher-education landscape, a model that has already received multiple awards. With its launch of the Digital School in 2013, Leuphana also entered the age of the online universities, where it is setting new standards in social learning.

For its development as a humanistic , action-oriented and sustainable university, in 2007 Leuphana received an award from the business community's innovation agency for the German science system, the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, in its competition devoted to 'Excellence Strategies for Small and Medium-Sized Universities', and in 2010 from the Mercator Foundation and the Volkswagen Foundation for the nationwide competition on 'The Future of Instruction'.

To strengthen Lüneburg as a location for research and business, scientists and the business community are working side by side on visionary projects under unique conditions, as part of the EU-sponsored regional development project for Innovation Incubators. A total of nearly EUR 100 million is flowing into regional economic development. In more than 50 projects, there are some 300 firms in the former Lüneburg district working with teams of researchers on behalf of a broad range of new research and infrastructure projects and measures in education and training. The Incubator places the emphasis on the topics of Digital Media, Health and Sustainable Energy.

Currently a new main building is being built on the University campus as part of the Campus of the Future designed by architect and part-time Leuphana professor Daniel Libeskind.

Leuphana invites motivated and committed people to this workshop for change, individuals who want to become active and are willing to stake out a position on behalf of their convictions. People with passion and a thirst for responsibility, who want to learn from and with one another and discover new points of view – of the world, one another and themselves.

0 €
Funding sum

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Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Scharnhorststr. 1
21335 Lüneburg

+49 4131 677-0

Legal notice

What is the crowd index?

Projekte unter dem Balken bekommen noch keine Förderung. Die Rangliste der Projekte ergibt sich aus dem Crowd-Index eines jeden Projekts.

Wie funktioniert der Crowd-Index? Mit dem Crowd-Index wird die Beteiligung der Crowd möglichst fair einbezogen. In den Crowd-Index eines jeden Projekts fließen drei Faktoren ein: Zahl der Unterstützer, der erzielten Betrag in € sowie der prozentuale Anteil dieses Betrags am Finanzierungsziel. Beispiel: Wer also 50% seiner Fundingsumme mit 200 Unterstützern erzielt, schneidet besser ab als jemand, der dafür nur 100 Unterstützer mobilisiert, auch wenn die erreichte Summe gleich ist.

What is a match funding campaign?


During a matchfunding campaign, selected Startnext projects are funded by directly matching each support from the crowd with a cofunding. For example, in a ratio of 1:1, which means that the support is doubled.

What is a boost campaign?


What is a contest ?


A contest is a cofunding campaign that aims to promote selected Startnext projects for a topic or a region within the framework of a competition. The projects with the most supporters are awarded with prize money or non-cash prizes on the final day of the contest.

What is an organizational profile?


Behind an organization profile is an institution or company that offers added value to curated Startnext projects. Added values include: Qualification, Outreach, Consulting or Microcredits.