Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card
Carola von Szemerey

Carola von Szemerey

Deutschland / Reisbach

Hey, I'm Carola, and I'm looking forward to taking you on a journey. Let's dive into the magic and beauty of being a woman, starting a lifelong adventure with you and others:)

I've been on this journey myself for a long time, and you can find more about me and my story at--> Who is behind the project?

David Mühlbauer

YUNEA Debut Album 'Garden of Life' Crowdfunding

Hilf uns dabei, unsere Musik in die Welt zu tragen.
18,262 € (111%)
YUNEA Debut Album \'Garden of Life\' Crowdfunding
The Female Explorer

The Female Explorer

Unterstützt uns bei der Verwirklichung des ersten gedruckten Outdoor-Magazin für Frauen!
56,055 € (112%)
The Female Explorer