Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Harald Rumpf

Deutschland / München

I´m a photographer and filmmaker based in Munich, Germany
In the course of the last 20 years I was working mostly as a freelance documentary filmmaker. My topics are very different but are always close to my protagonist. Before I started filming I was quite a bit envolved in photography as a photographer and publisher of photobooks. My book 52 young German photographers was rewarded with a Kodak Photobook Award in 1981.

Subscribed projects
Own projects
Manuel Rumpf, Gregory Fernandez


Photographs from the eighties. The book is 176 pages, ca. 75 photographs and will be printed in an excellent duotone.
2,630 € (105%)

Team member of

Christiane Nalezinski

Wie wir einmal fast berühmt wurden

Eine Langzeitdokumentation über sechs Schauspieler, die vor 20 Jahren in der Kreuzberg-Serie "Linsenstraße" mitgespielt haben.
10,270 € (103%)
Wie wir einmal fast berühmt wurden