Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Jakob Schmidt

Jakob Schmidt is a guitarist from Bavaria. Already at a young age, he was awarded numerous prizes. He studied in Weimar with Prof. Thomas Müller-Pering and enjoyed master classes with renowned teachers such as Tilman Hoppstock, Paolo Pegoraro and Sérgio Assad. Concert tours, primarily with the Kaiser Schmidt Guitar Duo, lead him across Europe and to China and Brazil.
Besides his guitar playing, Jakob is an enthusiastic teacher hoping to emulate the success of his father and mentor Stefan Schmidt. He also is an active and successful video maker whose music videos with various musicians have been watched many million times.

Subscribed projects
Own projects
Weimar Guitar Quartet

Weimar Guitar Quartet - Debut Album

We recorded an enchanting debut album with some of our favourite pieces. Help us bring the project into reality!
9,995 € (147%)
Weimar Guitar Quartet - Debut Album

Team member of

Kaiser Schmidt Guitar Duo

Kaiser Schmidt Guitar Duo - Debut Album

10 years Kaiser Schmidt - furious, intimate, massive, elegant. It's time for our first CD! Join us!
2,320 € (155%)
Kaiser Schmidt Guitar Duo - Debut Album