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Yang Yang


You’ll probably appreciate the fact that Yang Yang is unable to introduce herself here. She’s a really clever panda but she can’t write (yet). :-) She can, however, paint. She took it up specifically for this campaign.

Yang Yang has started to paint great pictures for you and is even going to sign the finished panda books. She really enjoys it. So that’s why we’re introducing her here as a member of our team – she is, after all, an important part of the campaign.

Yang Yang arrived at Schönbrunn Zoo in 2003. She has produced offspring four times with Long Hui, her male companion. Fu Long, Fu Hu and Fu Bao have since returned home to China.

The twins Fu Feng and Fu Ban were born in August 2016. Yang Yang is the first female panda in human care to raise twins without the help of her keepers. So the talented ‘artist’ is also a great mother.

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An illustrated book about Schönbrunn`s pandas: With great photos and personal stories. Yang Yang, the female panda, has taken up painting for you!
82,973 € (332%)