Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Andreas Pohl


Yogi, stolzer Familienvater, Permakultur-Begeistert und Naturverliebt.

Besonders aktiv bin ich zZt als Permakulturlehrer und Betreuer von Freiwilligen bei unserem Projekt Dupa Gard in den rumänischen Westkarpaten.

Subscribed projects
Own projects
Andreas Pohl


Let’s renovate an old barn in the Carpathians TOGETHER, get our hands dirty and have a lot of fun along the way. Guaranteed !
2,480 €
Andreas Pohl

Oh, you beautiful barn!

In the heart of Transylvania, we'll be transforming a traditional, decaying barn into a living museum.
1,295 € (129%)
Oh, you beautiful barn!
Andreas Pohl

După Gard: our success story's grand finale

Wow. YOU made this house possible, with two successful campaigns. 90% is done, together we will top it up and complete the interior of our eco-retreat
1,710 € (171%)
După Gard: our success story\'s grand finale
Team Dhalia

După Gard: your bear-foot holiday

You’ve already helped us build a traditional wooden house. We still need all the support to successfully complete our Transylvanian După Gard Bio B&B!
1,673 € (209%)
După Gard: your bear-foot holiday
Team Dhalia

După Gard - the Eco-Retreat in Transylvania

We are turning an old barn into an eco-retreat for nature-lovers. A rewarding experience for all of your five sences!
4,630 € (463%)
După Gard - the Eco-Retreat in Transylvania