Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card
Andreas Rochholl

Andreas Rochholl

Deutschland / Berlin

Andreas Rochholl ist Filmemacher, Kulturunternehmer und interkultureller Coach an der Uni Potsdam. Er gründete 1997 die Zeitgenössische Oper Berlin und realisierte seither ca. 50 interkulturelle Musiktheater- und Musikfilm Produktionen und Festivals. Seit 2020 Co-director von CrossGeneration Media.

Andreas Rochholl is a Cultural Entrepreneur, Filmmaker, Theatre & Opera Director and Intercultural Coach based in Berlin. He is the founder of Zeitgenössische Oper Berlin. He realised around 50 different productions of musik thetre, music film and festivals.

Andreas Rochholl

Female Voice of Afghanistan

A documentary from Summer 2021 in Kabul
4,307 € (108%)
Female Voice of Afghanistan
Andreas Rochholl

The Female Voice of Iran

A feature documentary about female singers living inside Iran, their daily life and their deepest wish: "I want my voice to be heard..."
10,795 € (108%)
The Female Voice of Iran