Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Claus Aktoprak

Deutschland / Hamburg

Hinter dem Projekt steht der 55-jährige Hamburger Filmemacher, Musiker und Autor Claus Aktoprak.

Subscribed projects
Own projects
Andreas Rochholl

The Female Voice of Iran

A feature documentary about female singers living inside Iran, their daily life and their deepest wish: "I want my voice to be heard..."
10,795 € (108%)
The Female Voice of Iran
Nico Weinmann

Sonnensegler – Die Reise geht weiter

Ein 43 Jahre altes Stahlschiff, ein weit entferntes Ziel!
1,079 € (39%)
Sonnensegler – Die Reise geht weiter
Sailing Conductors

Sailing Conductors - Album Production

We need your help to fund the pressing of our upcoming album "Songs for Marianne". Worldmusic literally. Charting the undiscovered.
17,611 € (110%)
Sailing Conductors - Album Production