Crowdfunding since 2010

Worried about the climate crisis? Ready to act? The WoW app brings transparency into the CO2 debate and helps you to achieve your personal climate tar

WoW by worldwatchers is the first app that makes CO2 measurable in all areas of everyday life. This enables you - and all of us - to meet the 1.5° climate goal. We can calculate and compare EVERYTHING: cotton swab with steaks, T-shirts with mobile phones, SUVs with muesli or a trip to London. You can easily find out about all CO2 footprints and decide what you want to spend your CO2 budget on! And together we can make the world a bit more sustainable every day - for future!
Funding period
8/11/19 - 11/9/19
12.08.2019 - 01.04.2020
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 35,000 €

With 50.000€ we can already offer a free app with basic functionalities: Calculator, barcode scanner, watch list.

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219 Supporter

Roland Alton
Roland Alton
Stefan Weber
Stefan Weber
Joscha Hüttel
Joscha Hüttel
Linus Canal
Linus Canal
Lutz Karlsbach
Lutz Karlsbach
Ulrich Beutenmüller
Ulrich Beutenmüller
Kathrin Jauch
Kathrin Jauch
Franz A. Spatz
Franz A. Spatz
Alexander Schlaaff
Alexander Schlaaff
michael sswat
michael sswat
michael sswat
michael sswat
Arnd Hannken-Illjes
Arnd Hannken-Illjes
anonymous supports: 81

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WoW: CO2-tracking-app for the 1,5° climate goal!