Crowdfunding since 2010

To make positive impact happen, we connect you directly to small-scale coffee farmers. Coffee that tastes great - and feels better.

While the price of a cup of coffee in Europe has been steadily increasing over time, the price farming families sell at often cannot even cover their costs. Why? Most of the profit stays in the middlemen’s hands. In HILO we aim to change this by providing an alternative system to conventional coffee trade. We are weaving a thread by connecting you with Colombian coffee farmers in order to guarantee a stable income for their families and social actors to help heal communities. Join the weave!
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Funding period
11/2/19 - 12/2/19
Start in 2019
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 5,000 €

We cover the shipping costs of bringing coffee from Colombia to Germany, fulfill the entire 500 kg/2019 harvest and invest to get more people to join our weave.

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203 Supporter

Falko Kraft
Falko Kraft
Michaela Christ
Michaela Christ
Christin Körner
Christin Körner
Hella Kirmse
Hella Kirmse
Cecilia Souw
Cecilia Souw
Joel Sundberg
Joel Sundberg
Irmgard Bohrer-Reffel
Irmgard Bohrer-Reffel
Diana Pfeiffer
Diana Pfeiffer
Inés Rogge
Inés Rogge
Leonardo Brancaccio
Leonardo Brancaccio
Marcel Lehmann
Marcel Lehmann
silvia rocchetto
silvia rocchetto
anonymous supports: 46

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Hilo | Coffee´s common thread

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