Crowdfunding since 2010

After the successful startnext campaign in 2015 for album no. 1, a new chapter of music is waiting to be written and recorded.

Jana Berwig charms her listeners with her heart and her voice. She is diving deep into your soul where she is feeding it with her sensual and melancholic singer-songwriter pieces. The stories that she tells sound like Folk and Pop, full of desire and insight. For her second studio album she works together with new musical partners. Also, Jana wants to release this album on vinyl, too.
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Funding period
10/20/17 - 12/11/17
Dez. 2017
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
7,000 €
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83 Supporter

Ingo Queiser
Ingo Queiser
Sophia Wulfert
Sophia Wulfert
Lars Eisenreich
Lars Eisenreich
Fabian Schaffner
Fabian Schaffner
Nicole Rosenberg
Nicole Rosenberg
Eva Schneider
Eva Schneider
Herbert Witzel
Herbert Witzel
Ivo Maintz
Ivo Maintz
Sonne über Berlin
Sonne über Berlin
Mell Ciric
Mell Ciric
Paula Sobisiak
Paula Sobisiak
anonymous supports: 40

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Jana Berwig studio album no. 2

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