Crowdfunding since 2010
A life in Iceland - is a dream for many people! A life between fascinated landscape and creative people! Also many German women have fulfilled that dream. In my photobook, with photographs and short texts, I portray some of these women, their lifestyles and their homes which they have found in Iceland - to embolden you to live your dreams!
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Funding period
6/5/12 - 8/1/12
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
6,500 €
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55 Supporter

Ilse Häsler
Ilse Häsler
Sylke Sander
Sylke Sander
günter kolbe
günter kolbe
Tina Bauer
Tina Bauer
Sylke Sander
Sylke Sander
Petra Sippel
Petra Sippel
Stefan Zuerrer
Stefan Zuerrer
Reinhold Bauer
Reinhold Bauer
Wolfgang Mohn
Wolfgang Mohn
Tina Bauer
Tina Bauer
anonymous supports: 24

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Iceland - lovely home for German women. A photobook

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