Crowdfunding since 2010
The world's cleanest drinking bottle, entirely plastic free and with countless cool designs. Also, innovative fundraising for clean water projects.
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Funding period
3/11/13 - 4/11/13
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
20,000 €
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442 Supporter

Johannes Zapotoczky
Johannes Zapotoczky
Alexandra Eberhardt
Alexandra Eberhardt
Sibylle Galitz
Kirsten Pöpel
Marlon Kupfer
Marlon Kupfer
Mag. Martina Lang
Mag. Martina Lang
Anjali Esther Nair
Anjali Esther Nair
Anna Jank
Anna Jank
Jürgen Westermann
Jürgen Westermann
Johanna Aoyama
Johanna Aoyama
Christoph Hensel
Christoph Hensel
Jan Koch
Jan Koch
anonymous supports: 209

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soulbottles & soulwater - plastikfreie Trinkflaschen und Fundraising

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