Crowdfunding since 2010

After 18 years of independent journalism and three months of Corona hardship, we're asking you to help us get back to print!

Exberliner has been Berlin's leading English-language magazine for culture, reportage and politics since 2002, delivering first-hand quality journalism for the city's international community. Like many independent media outlets around the world, the coronavirus has left us with an uncertain future, as revenue from our cultural advertising partners has dried up. We're asking you, dear readers, friends and members of the extended EXB family to help bridge the gap until that revenue returns.
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Funding period
5/26/20 - 6/30/20
Until the end of June
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470 Supporter

Gustavo del Castillo Matamoros
Gustavo del Castillo Matamoros
Phoebe Ash
Phoebe Ash
Ralf Forster
Ralf Forster
Luke Atcheson
Luke Atcheson
heinz gindullis
heinz gindullis
GavinThe MacLean
GavinThe MacLean
Edith Baulenas
Edith Baulenas
Nick Crofts
Nick Crofts
Wojciech Klemm
Wojciech Klemm
Carla Simpson
Carla Simpson
Dorothea Bringmann
Dorothea Bringmann
Dirk Fellinghauer
Dirk Fellinghauer
anonymous supports: 209

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