Crowdfunding since 2010

Eine zweisprachige "Antigone" (dt./ita) auf Tournee durch die Wohnzimmer Europas

Theaters will be closed for a long time. Apartments may open earlier. Personal freedom and state reason are actually at odds with each other. The categories of what is now necessary and correct are redefined every day by each of us. Convinced, as we are, that theater remains necesssary and needs personal contact, we are now thinking about a bilingual (ita / dt) version of "Antigone" by Sophokles, which we can show by invitation to interested people in their apartments.
Funding period
4/23/20 - 6/15/20
June/October 2020
Minimum amount (Start level): 3,000 €

With 3300 euros we can start the project without feeling like we are working for free and maybe also be able to present a kind of preview

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What is this project all about?

It's about questions that are difficult to answer clearly. About inner and common values. About the role of community for each of us. About duties that cannot be avoided. "Antigone" has been raising questions for millennia. Especially in times of crisis it seems necessary to remember the conflict between Creon and Antigone, between Antigone and Ismene, between Creon and Hemon. The conflict is about power and responsibility, about resistance and guilt, about compassion and hybris. It is about a vision of the world that does not finish with the present. It is about women and men, war and reconciliation, past and future, language and incomprehension, body and mind, life and death. It's about the need for theater. All of this is the content of the play Antigone, but it is just as relevant for our situation. Our project is about finding a way how we can continue to explore the above-mentioned topics with our specific language (a living theater in front of a living audience). Is there really a need for what we do among people who could support us? We ask ourselves this question every day, and not only since yesterday. Can we bring this public discourse and dialogue into people's homes, question us together?

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Our goal is to organize as many performances as possible in as many apartments as possible in Berlin and other European cities. Our target group is our audience and people / friends who could connect with our theater in this particolar way.

Why would you support this project?

As Barletti / Waas, we are part of that off-theater scene in Berlin that can rely on little to no support from public funds and relies on live-performances and income from ticket selling to survive. We have an average of between twenty and thirty performances per year, which, depending on the venue and the contract, bring us each between 200 and 2500 euros. All of this is now no longer possible for us and for our colleagues, and there is no real alternative in sight. If you don't know us yet or would like to follow our work more closely, you can find information about our plays and past performances on our website ( Crowdfunding is a possibility for us (and also for our colleagues: musicians, technicians, employees) to make it possible that the theater, as we conceive it, continues as an encounter with an audience despite the current crisis. It is a perspective, and that is exactly what we are currently missing most. So if you are interested in the utopian space of social debate by means of theater and would like to organize a performance at your home, you have a concrete possibility to implement it.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

We pay for our rehearsal work, the creation of a new translation, the development of a performance conceived to be presented in a living room including surtitles in both languages ​​and give the financiers a free performance at home.

Who are the people behind the project?

BarlettiWaas stands for Lea Barletti and Werner Waas, who since the end of the 90s, first in Italy and since 2012 in Berlin, have developed a very personal theater work based on texts that is unique to the off-scene. More information on: []


The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
Werner Waas
Malchiner Str 8
12359 Berlin Deutschland

4/29/20 - We received inquiries about the 300 euros for...

We received inquiries about the 300 euros for a performance at home. This is only a guideline and is not mandatory. When formulating our "reward", we had to enter a fixed amount. The amount of the donation is free. For example, several people could come together to organize a performance at home. Everyone can contact us for this or other questions directly at: [email protected]

4/29/20 - Uns haben Nachfragen erreicht zu den 300 Euro...

Uns haben Nachfragen erreicht zu den 300 Euro für eine Vorstellung zuhause. Es handelt sich hierbei nur um einen Richtwert, der nicht zwingend ist. Bei der Formulierung des Dankeschöns mussten wir einen festen Betrag eingeben. Die Höhe der Spende ist aber frei. Es könnten sich beispielsweise auch mehrere Leute zusammentun, um eine Aufführung bei sich zu organisieren. Jeder kann sich diesbezüglich oder auch zu anderen Fragen direkt an uns wenden unter: [email protected]

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