Crowdfunding since 2010

A promising combination of streetfood, mindfulness and cultural exchange - powered by ShoutOutLoud.

313 kilos of food are trashed in Germany every second. With the biggest part being perfectly edible, and therefore avoidable. Our plan? The first foodtruck worldwide that mainly cooks with organic food. No "wonky" carrots, but good soup. No "crooked" zucchini, but good sandwiches. No waste, but good food. 'Resteküche - Beste Küche' - a promising combination of streetfood, mindfulness and cultural exchange.
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Funding period
12/17/16 - 2/4/17
Spring 2017
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
30,000 €
Frankfurt am Main
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What is this project all about?

Sad, but true: We waste so much food that is still perfectly edible. The carrot is "wonky", the zucchini "crooked" and therefore both don't make it into the supermarket? We freshly bake another outlay in the evening, just to throw it away completely one hour later? Nope, that's not how it can and should work. But hey, we have a plan: The first foodtruck worldwide that mainly cooks with rescued organic food!

With 'Resteküche - Beste Küche' we want to put food waste into the spotlight. But not by raising our moral pointing finger, but simply by selling good food. No waste, just mindfulness. And thereby cherishing food how it's supposed to be.

Besides offering streetfood on markets there will be catering services as well. And for everyone who's into intellectual food, too, we happily organize mobile think tanks that combine workshops with live cooking.

In short: We want to bring mindful streetfood to Frankfurt and its surroundings - making the world a better place inclusively.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

For quite some time now we - in the course of our nonprofit program "Kein Essen für die Tonne" (no food for the bin) - engage in fighting food waste. After countless cooking events with rescued food it's time to take it to the next level!

Who the project is for? Of course for us all! I mean we all enjoy good, healthy food, right? And if you can make the world a little bit better with every bite that sounds like a great deal, doesn't it? ;-)

Why would you support this project?

  • Because you care about that we still waste so much food.
  • Because you care about what's ending up on your plate.
  • Because you care about the implications of your consumption.

And seriously?

  • Because you don't give a fuck that the carrot is wonky or the zucchini is crooked. Au contraire! You like it a lot better like that.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Nobody likes big calculation sheets and finance plans, but hey - transparency is key! Therefore we give you the quick facts of our planning (apart from the not-so-easy-peasy-crowdfunding-costs aka. taxes, platform costs & rewards budget!). Let's have a look at the following two scenarios:

Numero Uno: We reach the 30.000 Euro funding threshold!
Yeah, we can make our Resteküche reality! We are able to buy a food truck, design and rebuild it according to our needs, brand it and cover the first running costs (such as insurance, taxes, TÜV and parking space). Let's get cracking and do streetfood, catering and think tanks! Of course, besides that we continue to work on social events with volunteers.

Numero Due: We hit the 50.000 Euro funding goal!
Wait, what? Wow! Speechless. With this kind of money we not only can buy a foodtruck, but we also have a nest egg. Like that we don't have to focus on revenue only or fear red figures. Au contraire, we are able to guarantee small expense allowances for our team (not relying solely on volunteering work) and can focus on social events predominantly. Fairness and mindfulness is needed everywhere!

Who are the people behind the project?

We are a nonprofit organization called ShoutOutLoud from Frankfurt. Who we are in person? Lots of different people (future researcher, logistician, bio-chemists, city planner, energy advisor, blogger, receptionist, student, etc. pp.) that have one common goal: making the world a better place! Yep, you just read that :-) But it's really not that difficult and therefore we happily spend our evenings and weekends organizing cool events to share our vision.


The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
ShoutOutLoud - Changing the World Step by Step e.V.
Daniel Anthes
Darmstädter Landstraße 1
60594 Frankfurt am Main Deutschland

Gemeinnütziger Verein, eingetragen beim Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main im Vereinsregister 15073.

Steuernummer: 47 250 30247 – VB K 03


Social Impact Lab Frankfurt

Gemeinsam für mehr Innovation, mehr Integration, mehr Impact: Das Gründerzentrum im Herzen Frankfurts.


Die Phönix GmbH ist ein regional arbeitender Großhandel mit einem Vollsortiment von Waren aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau.

Markt im Hof

Streetfood-Kultur inmitten der Metropole. Einkauf & Genuss hochwertiger, individuell produzierter Lebensmittel und damit ein Gegenentwurf zum industrialisierten Nahrungsmittel-Einerlei.

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Resteküche - Beste Küche
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