Crowdfunding since 2010

Two guys on skates rollin' 7000km throughout South America and are shooting a documentary!

We are Marian and Santiago – we are adventurers on wheels! For six months we are going to skate a 7000 km (4350 Miles) long journey through South America to film a documentary. As backpackers on wheels with a rough script in our heads we will roll through 7 countries, 5 climate-zones to feature landscape, wildlife, people and culture in our film. We call this endeavor BLADE VENTURES!
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Funding period
7/13/17 - 9/15/17
Sep 2017 – Jun 2018
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
7,500 €
Halle (Saale)
Movie / Video
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Blade Ventures
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