Crowdfunding since 2010

Nine Hamburg friends are cheekily and wittily committed to a colourful Europe

Who is hiding under these big red balls ...? Having escaped the homophobic German provinces, the girls found each other in the Hamburg scene at the end of the 80s. In the AIDS time they drum in Bollen-Drag at the CSD. Since then, no Hamburg Pride, no Bang-Bang, no Lesbian-Gay-Film-Days without the Bollenmädels. Resistant friendship that grows with age. They are ambassadors for diversity, acceptance and free thinking.
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Funding period
12/21/20 - 2/6/21
01.03.2021 - 01.08.2021
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 5,000 €

Just the two of us will produce the film.
We need you for your feedback and
of course as our audience!

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What is this project all about?

With your help we wish to portray the Bollenmädels. They have shaped the gay community with their special charm, courage and commitment over many years.
We accompany the nine girls in their solidary, but also provocative political actions.
Interview topics include childhood experiences, coming out, AIDS, dealing with sexuality and worrying about parents with dementia. What fears and longings do they have? How does it feel to get older? How are they dealing with the Corona pandemic?
The nine friends have very different professions and characters. They infect and inspire with their life-affirming, clear demeanor.
In addition to the shoots and interviews, we work with archive material - this also creates a picture of the Hamburg subculture since the 80s. We animate photos, drawings and collages.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The Bollenmädels impressed and touched us. They made us laugh and think twice - we would like to share all of this with you .
We are very happy that the Bollenmädels trust us and work with us.
Hopefully we can expand our network through Startnext. Even during the financing phase, we'll post short videos and look forward to your opinion. You help us if you tell your friends about the project - link us on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, or ...

Why would you support this project?

Tolerance, acceptance, diversity and equality - the goals for which the Bollenmädels are committed are still relevant and important today. This is what our project stands for.
We have been following the girls since 2018.
Your curiosity, your feedback and a lot of likes give us strength and motivation. If you also support us financially, we will be very grateful and can produce the film professionally.

Statements from our partners:
Hospice Hamburg Leuchtfeuer [/ i]
“We at Hamburg Leuchtfeuer support the film project about the Bollenmädels with all our hearts. Because the Bollenmädels stand for diversity, amusement and cultural creativity. At the same time, they are involved in charitable projects such as the Hamburg Leuchtfeuer Hospice and are therefore also a social role model. "

Gay checkpoint Hein & Fiete, Hamburg [/ i]
“Hein & Fiete has known the provocative and meaningful actions of the Bollenmädels for many years and sees them as an important part of gay Hamburg history and subculture. We're really looking forward to the film! "

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

We're starting a web series. We post short episodes on the web every week. From this a film will be made by August 2021 - depending on the amount achieved, fine, but "handmade" - or professionally:
Either only the two of us work together and we use royalty-free music. If we achieve more, we can finance great music, more elaborate animations, a special look and sound design.

Who are the people behind the project?

The filmmakers Jutta Riedel and Mirek Balonis = TRAWA Film Cologne
Jutta's first great love was a bisexual actor who died of AIDS. She has been friends with two Bollenmädels since the mid-80s.
Mirek grew up in liberal Gdansk and has lived in Cologne since 1990. He is frustrated with the homophobia in today's Poland. Dirndls look good on him too.

Die Bollenmädels
Anita - Antar Honigs
Bärbel - Bjørn Nicolaisen
Uschi - Michael M. Flach
Ramona - Ralf Christmann
Rita - Rüdiger Hülskamp
Beate- Stefan Moos
Volklore - Volker Deutschmann
Wilma - Willi van Buggenum

Founding members:
Matthias Moebius, Jürgen Westhoff, Leonardo A. Boschetti
Klaus Zimmermann, Harald Burmeister, Wolfgang Beckers

Our network partners:
- Hein & Fiete, Hamburg
- Hamburg Leuchtfeuer
- LSVD Hamburg
- AIDS-Hilfe Hamburg
- Hamburg Pride
- Magnus Hirschfeld Centrum Hamburg
- Akademie Waldschlösschen
- Bund Lesbischer & Schwuler JournalistInnen
- Arcus-Stiftung

The Ministry of Culture of North Rhine-Westphalia is funding the project with a development grant.

Jurystatement NRW scholarship
“With their work, Jutta Riedel and Mirek Balonis take up a thread that needs to be spun on as urgently as it is funny and lazy, knowledge through anarchy, joke through standing still, ambitious unshakable refusal to perform. Your new film, which tells a lot about these boll hats and the people underneath, populates a polyphonic, babbling, unruly personnel that comes to life through your loving and funny look."

BM - Team

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

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Hein & Fiete

Hein & Fiete, das ist der schwule Checkpoint in St. Georg, nur fünf Minuten vom Hauptbahnhof entfernt. Hein & Fiete, das sind rund 80 ehrenamtliche und 5 hauptamtliche Mitarbeiter, die mit allen Teilen der schwulen und bisexuellen Szene Hamburgs.

Hamburg Leuchtfeuer

Hamburg Leuchtfeuer hat sich durch seine professionelle und innovative Arbeit zu einer Institution in Hamburg entwickelt, die auf verschiedenen Ebenen dazu beiträgt, den Umgang mit unterschiedlichen Lebensentwürfen, Leben, Krankheit, Sterben, Tod...

LSVD Hamburg

„Was macht der LSVD Hamburg denn so?“
Vernetzung in der Hamburger Community. Wir engagieren uns in der Hamburger Community zu diversen Anlässen durch Unterstützung für Projekte: u.a. für Hein & Fiete, Hamburgs schwulen Infoladen, CSD...

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