Crowdfunding since 2010

Hans Ziller Rock'n'Roll Survivor My Bipolar Life with Bonfire! THE BOOK is available in German and in English!

Hans Ziller Rock'n'Roll Survivor My Bipolar Life with Bonfire! THE BOOK is available in German and English! Me, that's Hans Ziller, Johann actually, but nobody has called me that for a long time. I'm the founder, guitarist and maybe also the soul of Bonfire, a band that can also be described as a rock'n'roll survivor, because despite many ups and downs since it was founded in 1972 under the name Cacumen.
Funding period
8/24/23 - 11/22/23
July 2024
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 2,000 €

Dieser Betrag ermöglicht mir Grafiker, Übersetzer usw. zu bezahlen. Erreichen wir den Betrag nicht geht alles auf Null zurück.(Alles-oder-nichts-Kampagne)

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What is this project all about?

My bipolar Life with Bonfire

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Das Buchgeschäft hat sich stark verändert. Viele Verlage lesen deine Manuskripte nicht mehr. Durch den Krieg hat sich der Papierpreis fast verdoppelt. Was man als Autor an einem Buch verdient ist erschreckend wenig. Ich schreibe jetzt seit 2009 an diesem Buch und mit eurer Hilfe könnte es gelingen es dennoch heraus zu bringen.

Why would you support this project?

It is about my life, My life with the band and my battle with Bipolar and depression. A look at my life through my eyes from the beginning till now. And with all of you I can realize that.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

I wanna get the costs in to manufacture the book on my own.

Who are the people behind the project?

Hans Ziller

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THE BOOK Hans Ziller Rock´n´Roll Survivor
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