Crowdfunding since 2010

Let's create the agriculture of the future together. An agriculture that stands in solidarity with nature.

We want to move the agriculture of the future forward! An agriculture that stands in solidarity with all people, animals, and plants. What does this agriculture look like? Where is it already implemented? And above all: Where are the women* in agriculture who accomplish so much - why are they overlooked? We are going in search of these women* - all over the globe. We will accompany them at work and feature them in our book.
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Funding period
10/23/21 - 12/19/21
November 2021-Summer 2023
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 25,000 €

Wir verwenden das Geld, damit wir zu Landwirtinnen im Senegal, in Indien, Kanada und innerhalb Europas reisen und sie porträtieren können.

Frankfurt am Main
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What is this project all about?

What is at sake is nothing less than our future! Because it all depends on the agriculture of today. We must evolve to an agriculture without chemicals, without long travels and without machines and soil destruction. Today's agriculture is strongly male-dominated. Most of the well-known pioneers and book authors regarding agriculture are men. But the agriculture of the future needs female virtues as much as male ones! Many women* worldwide are already farming in harmony with nature, building up the soil, caring for the earth - and they are overlooked. We want to make these women* visible, to show what they achieve, how they work, how they think. In doing so, we want to inspire people worldwide to become farmers or gardeners themselves, to feed the world with us and to heal the planet at the same time! In order to share the knowledge we gather, to support the people we visit and their projects, and to tell you all about the amazing encounters we make, we would like to publish a book.

Our book will be realized in collaboration with Löwenzahn Verlag. Our first book "Urban Farming. Growing Vegetables, Community Gardening, Creating Food Sovereignty," which tells our own story as urban women farmers, was published in June 2021. Löwenzahn Verlag supports books that advocate for a sustainable future and show alternatives to our current living models. We are overjoyed to be able to launch this project together! The publishing house will finance the book project, cover parts of the travel costs for us as well along with a photographer, and support the projects in the global South. However, we still need your help for our research trips.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The goal is nothing less than saving the world! No, seriously: with our book we want to report the effects of industrial agriculture and show alternatives in order to make a contribution against our climate disaster. At the same time, we aspire to equality between men, women* and all people worldwide and we aim to create a network of farmers/gardeners in which they can exchange ideas.

Since it is in the interest of all of us to create sustainable agriculture in harmony with nature, we want to address people of all ages and from all social backgrounds! Ideally we also want to motivate people to discover their own green thumb and help shape the agriculture of the future.

Why would you support this project?

Because you'll make an important contribution to protect the environnment and support the equality between men and women*, especially in countries of the global south. A book publication and media coverage of these topics can steer agriculture in a new direction! We would like to acknowledge and give a shout out to the many small micro farms that produce climate neutral organic food, protect biodiversity, build up soil and lead away from the agricultural steppe to a diverse, small structured landscape. No Food Deserts!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The money raised goes towards our research trips. Together with our photographer Priscillia Grubo, we can visit Malvikaa on her permaculture farm in India, where she employs women in difficult living conditions; Noémie and Cassa in Senegal, who run a "women's garden" in which 100 women live; Arlene on her large rooftop farm in Toronto, where she supplies subscribers and markets; as well as many different women in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France. Priscillia will bring her artistic eye and capture our encounters, while we have conversations, accompany the women* at work and explore their ways of thinking and working. We will then write the book back in Frankfurt and the release is scheduled for mid-2023. Löwenzahn Verlag will be by our side for the writing process, support us during the travels and take care of everything beyond text and photographs.

10,000 € from the proceeds of the book will be donated by the publishing house to the two projects in India and Senegal. Each of the projects will be supported with 5,000 €.

If we are overfunded, we can realize one more stop: the trip to the indigenous Kogi people in Colombia.


  • Senegal: 6.000,-
  • India: 5.000,-
  • Canada: 8.000,-
  • Germany, Swiss, Austria, France: 4.000,-

Fee Bernd Güßbacher (Crowdfunding-Movie): 2.000,-


  • Trip to the Kogi: 2.500,- per person

In case of significant overfunding, other „GemüseheldInnen“ who are men and women from our community gardens in Frankfurt can come with us on the trips (especially to the Kogi). In doing so, we create a worldwide network between the global South and North.

Who are the people behind the project?

We, Laura (35) and Juli (36), are the founders of GemüseheldInnen Frankfurt, a community garden project with which we want to establish urban farming in our city. With well over 200 people, we now garden in 19 gardens, including one on the university campus. We wrote about it in our first book "Urban Farming". Laura is a graphic designer and Juli a health food store employee; however, we spend every free second on our project "GemüseheldInnen" and on our book projects. We are married and live in Frankfurt with our two children (10 and 14).
Priscillia Grubo (27) is French and lives in Munich, where she is a freelance photographer. Her photos will tell the stories of the people and places we go to and acknowledge their work.

Löwenzahn Verlag has been around since the 1980s. And since its founding, it has evolved again and again. For quite some time now, pretty much everything has revolved around sustainable living. And it's not just about individuals and what they can contribute as individuals, but above all about the big players who need to take responsibilities for their actions. Politics and the economy need to finally change. Löwenzahn Verlag wants to draw attention to this. That's why they publish books on a wide variety of topics: one's own harvest, one's own permaculture garden, preserving, baking bread ... But also books about sustainable agriculture, the permaculture agricultural revolution, how to change the world with courage and imagination, urban farming, market gardening and, and, and ...

Juliane Ranck

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