Crowdfunding since 2010
ENDZEITEN ist ein 60minüter Dokumentarfilm über Aussteiger und Neuanfänge, Ufos und den Weltuntergang.
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Funding period
11/26/12 - 2/2/13
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Minimum amount (Start level): €
1,500 €
Movie / Video
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What is this project all about?

In short:

“Ending Times“ is a 60min documentary about society drop-outs, new beginnings, UFOs and the end of the world.

And now more precisely:

JENS and MICKY literally live at the end of the world. A couple of years ago the two Germans emigrated to an isolated southern French village called Bugarach to start a new life far away from modern society. But in the past few years this quiet life has been increasingly threatened. What JENS and MICKY didn’t know is that Bugarach is located at the foot of a holy mountain, the so called Pic de Burgarach. This mountain is said to have special energetic powers and therefore has been a magnet for spiritual and soul-searching tourists from all over the world. What ‘s more, this paradise for outcasts and esoterics is also a magnet for countless UFO hunters who claim that an extraterrestrial space station is hidden inside the mountain. For JENS and MICKY, who have been living at the foot of the mountain for several years, all these stories are absolute nonsense.

But the real source of concern for the villagers is another rumour that has been spreading for quite a while now: Bugarach would be the only place on earth where you could survive the Apocalypse on December 21st, 2012.

A few months before “apocalypse day”, cattle breeder JENS – a former punk from Berlin - and MICKY- a wealthy businessman turned lone wolf – have no time to waste on mystical internet fads. Life in their little paradise has proven more difficult than planned; winters are bitter and cold, summers are hot and dry, there is hardly any work and women are scarce. While managing their daily survival and coping with loneliness, the two men observe with a tinge of irony the strange “visitors” who gravitate to the holy mountain on pilgrimage.

When it comes to the announced wave of doomsday refugees, Jens and Micky have very different strategies. The first one has decided to take advantage of the phenomenon and turn his barn into a small hostel for tourists. His friend however is very critical of the project and thinks their priority should be to preserve their peaceful environment.

How will the two men experience December 21st, 2012 in Bugarach? Will the tourists show up en masse? Will the prophecies come true? Our film “Ending Times” will give you all the answers.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The goal is to get the required budget to finance the last days of shooting and therefore be able to document what happens in Bugarach on December 21st. The final version of the film will be complete by February 2012.

The film will be presented at well-known international film festivals. We also plan on releasing DVDs, posters, press material, a website with background information on dropping out of society and other alternative lifestyles as well as a serious discussion platform concerning the topic: “The ever returning
end of the world“.
We also plan to sell this film to television channels.

The target group for this Film is basically everyone: young or old, doomsday believers or not, urban workaholics or romantic outcasts.
Who hasn’t at least once wished to break free, leave everything behind and start a new life elsewhere? My film is also for those who are familiar with the challenges and overwhelming overload of today’s modern lifestyle.

Why would you support this project?

If I were a doomsday fanatic, I’d probably say: Because you will invest in the last movie to be shot on earth and in a matter of 30 days all of your money will be worthless anyway!

If I were a marketing expert, I would argue that this topic is very trendy and is likely to find its audience in a world where the economic model that governs society is being increasingly questioned.

But as a filmmaker I say: Because I want to tell a different and very personal story around this otherwise abstract topic of the “fear of the end”. The topic of “Bugarach and the apocalypse“ has been presented and discussed many times in the media in a sensationalist, uncritical and sometime biased way. “Ending Times” won’t simply satisfy the viewers’ voyeurism: the film will show the dreams and ideals of two people and their very personal path through life.
This film is a non-profit project; it has been produced as part of my studies in documentary film at the “Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg”. It was not funded by television or other funding organizations. My team and I have been working on this project for a year and a half now without making any money but with a great deal of commitment. With your support we look forward to literally make it to “the end”.

Quick note about the projects status

In 2011 and 2012 my team and I visited Bugarach several times to film JENS and MICKY in their daily lives, got familiar with their little village and captured the calm before the storm. We have already edited a rough-cut version of the film. The only thing missing now is basically “the storm“ on December 21st.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

1. Secure financing for the final shooting days in December (1 week, 3 crewmembers). This will cost an estimated 1000€.
2. The next 500 € will be used for producing DVDs, marketing and press materials.

All other support and funding will help us secure a professional post production (colour grading, music- and sound design, translations and subtitles as well as the homepage).

Who are the people behind the project?

My name is Monika Grassl, I am 31 years old and was born in Vienna/Austria. I am now in my fourth and final year of documentary film studies at the “Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg”. I have already directed several short film documentaries and worked with professional filmmakers during the production and editing process. “Ending Times“ is my first feature length documentary.

Mark Szilagyi ,is studying “Production” at the "Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg“ in his diploma year. As a producer he has already worked on several documentary films, as well as fiction movies. Before entering the academy, he worked for a television channel in Hungary.

Endzeitzen Team

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