Crowdfunding since 2010

We build eROCKIT, a electric motorcycle which will make our world better, because it changes every one positively. 100% Emotion, 0% Emission.

Electromobility to experience! Our eROCKIT has arrived and is ready to come to you! In 2019 we want to go on a Roadshow with the new eROCKIT and give to as many people as possible, the opportunity to drive and get to know our unique vehicle. eROCKIT is as intuitive and easy to use as a bicycle, yet offers the performance of a motorcycle, top speed over 80km /h and battery hours enough for over 120 kilometres. With a few kicks on the pedals the rider gains a breath-taking acceleration.
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Funding period
5/7/19 - 6/9/19
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 5,000 €

Yeah, we are going on tour through Germany!

Hennigsdorf Berlin
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eROCKIT - The motorcycle of the future on tour!

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