Crowdfunding since 2010
To finance one of the main festival prizes, we now need the combined strength of all film fans and cineastes to rescue the "Golden Horseman Animated Film Award" in the International Competition. In order to do so and facilitate the production of new film projects from the winning filmmaker, we require a cool €7,500 to be able to award the prize.
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Funding period
3/17/14 - 4/17/14
Minimum amount (Start level): €
7,500 €
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What is this project all about?

FILMFEST DRESDEN is an international short film festival which has been held since 1989 and is celebrating its 26th edition this year. It is dedicated to short film in all its forms and genres, and the festival has developed into one of the most important of its kind in Germany and Europe. The main focus of the six-day event is its International and National Competitions. Animated and short fiction films up to a maximum of 30 minutes compete here for the coveted Golden Horsemen prizes.
A brief overview... It all works like this: Taking the more than 2,000 films submitted to the festival, a 10-person viewing and selection committee first nominate the best films for the festival. The juries, consisting of well-known film scene personalities, then decide which of the nominations win the prizes on 19 April 2014.
What this here is about exactly: In order to finance one of the main prizes, we need YOUR combined strength as film fans and cineastes, by your rescuing the "Golden Horseman Animated Film Award" in the International Competition. In order to do so and facilitate the production of new film projects from the winning filmmaker, we require a cool €7,500 to be able to award the prize.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The aim is to achieve alternative financing for the "Golden Horseman Animated Film Award". As it has not proven possible to find a new prize sponsor for this award despite our persistent efforts and the tempting rewards on offer, this is our last chance to secure the prize outside the usual cultural sources. We are doing so by appealing to committed individuals whose hearts beat for animated film and who are willing and ready to give a filmmaker the opportunity to carry out new film projects.
The target group includes everyone who have a place in their hearts for artists and filmmakers and who would like to help FILMFEST DRESDEN get out of this particular financial jam this year.

Why would you support this project?

Well, perhaps you did not realise it, but behind FILMFEST DRESDEN is quite a small non-profit association which has to find sponsors and public funding for the festival each and every year in order to keep it up and running.
Why should YOU support this project of all things?
Because you are the non-profit beneficiaries of our non-profit organisation!
Because you can, with just a minimal outlay, become a vital part of the overall art and culture scene and have an opportunity to join the big names in the industry regardless of how small you part may be. In this way you have a chance to become involved "behind the scenes" here and to a certain extent view yourselves as FILMFEST DRESDEN partners.
Because an array of exclusive and limited thank-yous are awaiting you as our "small partner", which are never received otherwise by anyone outside of the FILMFEST DRESDEN circle of friends and supporters.
Because you will strengthen the city of Dresden as a cosmopolitan and tolerant cultural metropole doing so, through which you are sending a clear message on a political level as well.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Perhaps a brief explanation is good here: Most of the filmmakers who present their short films at FILMFEST DRESDEN are right at the beginning of their careers. For these artists, short film represents an opportunity to test their ideas, develop their own style and establish themselves on the film market. However animation filmmakers have a difficult position here as it is often quite time consuming and costly to produce an animated film and they frequently take several years to complete. Winning a Golden Horseman can give their creative efforts a sound financial basis and provide the impulse for new projects.
Thus if you become a supporter of the prize, you are creating a platform for supporting up-and-coming animation talents within the culture and arts scene.

Who are the people behind the project?


Alexandra Schmidt - Programm und Marketing
Karolin Kramheller - Programm und Finanzen
Katrin Küchler - Programm und PR
Judith Riechert - Bürokoordination und Eventplanung
Klaus Ritzkowski - Programm und Finanzen
Anika Schmidt - Leitung Gästeservice
Anne Gaschütz - Redaktion Festivalkatalog


The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
Filminitiative Dresden e.V.
Alaunstraße 62
01099 Dresden Deutschland

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer nach § 27 a UstG: DE140213750

Steuernummer: 202/140/11396

Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichtes Dresden VR 105

E-Mail: [email protected]
Telefon: 0351-829 47-0

4/11/14 - Mit weiteren 200 € würden wir gern eine...

Mit weiteren 200 € würden wir gern eine kostenlose, zweisprachige Stadtführung für unsere Filmemacher finanzieren. Denn natürlich wollen wir unseren internationalen Gästen zeigen, wie schön es hier in Dresden sein kann.

4/11/14 - Der Preis ist gerettet! Noch bis nächste Woche...

Der Preis ist gerettet! Noch bis nächste Woche ist es weiterhin möglich, sich am Projekt zu beteiligen. Mit den zusätzlichen Mitteln werden wir nun zum Beispiel den Guss des Goldenen Reiters im Gegenwert von 250 € begleichen. Auch für alle weiteren, über die angedachte Summe hinausgehenden Spenden gibt es schon einen guten Plan: Mit circa 500 € könnten wir für die Reise- und Übernachtungskosten für den Gewinner des Preises, der am 19. April bekannt gegeben wird, aufkommen!

3/31/14 - Die Preview, an der man als Dankeschön für 80...

Die Preview, an der man als Dankeschön für 80 € teilnehmen darf, findet im Rahmen eines Presse-Screenings am 8. April um 11 Uhr im THALIA CINEMA (Görlitzer Straße) statt.

3/21/14 - Some additional information I forgot to tell:...

Some additional information I forgot to tell: You can pick up the rewards at SCHAUBURG Cinema after we reached the Funding-aim of 7.500 €. As an exception we will disperse the rewards by post.

3/19/14 - Hier noch eine wichtige nachgereichte...

Hier noch eine wichtige nachgereichte Information: Die Dankeschöns werden an einem zentralen Sammelpunkt, der Kinokasse der Schauburg, hinterlegt und dürfen nach Erreichen des vollen Funding-Zieles abgeholt werden. In Ausnahmefällen schicken wir die Dankeschöns auch per Post.

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FILMFEST DRESDEN - Fans stiften Preis
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