Crowdfunding since 2010

Crowdfunding for Guanduo's 2nd CD 'Música Disfarçada de Gente', idealized by Eduardo Pinheiro & Juliano Camara. Record of Brazil-Germany experiences.

'Música Disfarçada de Gente' promotes a cultural exchange between musicians from Brazil, Argentina, Germany, Venezuela, Czech Republic and Hungary, with Brazilian music as interlocutor. The financial contribution will have the specific purpose of subsidizing the costs related to CD pre-production (studio rental, copyright acquisition, musicians' fees, arrangers and recording assistant) and production (video, mixing, mastering , graphic art and the pressing of 1.000 copies).
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Funding period
8/30/18 - 9/19/18
Until end of 2018
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 1,500 €

By Start Next we're aiming to reach a portion of the total value.
Your support will be added to the final campaign that concern our network in Brazil.

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60 Supporter

Abdelrahman Hussein
Abdelrahman Hussein
Kenneth Børresen
Kenneth Børresen
Christina Sperling
Christina Sperling
Eri Kae
Eri Kae
Julia Malischke
Julia Malischke
Sebastian Kreyßing
Sebastian Kreyßing
Terezia Abel
Terezia Abel
Marco Pereira
Marco Pereira
Antonín Pevala
Antonín Pevala
Jonathan Zielke
Jonathan Zielke
Daniel Stark
Daniel Stark
Michaelle Bosse
Michaelle Bosse
anonymous supports: 6

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Guanduo - Música Disfarçada de Gente
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