Crowdfunding since 2010

Organic & Fair. Made in Africa. Motifs created by school children in Nairobi. Kipepeo starts its first project in Kenya and goes on a special journey!

After 10 years in Tanzania, Kipepeo-Clothing is expanding to Kenya to create local jobs in the production of organic clothing and to support schools and education in Kenya. The motifs of this collection were created at a school for children with special needs in Nairobi. To draw attention to this project, part of the Kipepeo team will hitchhike from Germany to Kenya during the crowdfunding campaign to tell the story of Kipepeo-Clothing and to meet lovely people along the way!
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Funding period
8/3/18 - 10/8/18
November 2018
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 17,500 €

Upon successful funding of the first funding target, the new Kipepeo Kenya collection will be produced and printed in Nairobi.

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Kipepeo goes Kenya
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