Crowdfunding since 2010
MM Interactive provides - based on the principle of so-called imagemaps - a set of tools to create and edit interactive areas on images in websites. These areas can have almost any shape. In addition, a veriety of possibilities for layout editing and adding content will be provided. The user interface in the TYPO3 backend will be as userfriendly and intuitive as possible.
Funding period
10/23/14 - 12/31/14
01/2015 - 04/2015
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
7,500 €
Project widget
Embed widget

What is this project all about?

MM Interactive is planned as a successor to the already very successful TYPO3 extension "MW Imagemap" also created by me. Since maintaining the compatibility of "MW Imagemap" with TYPO3 versions 6.2.x is too difficult I decided to make a fresh start with MM Interactive while keeping basic concepts of "MW Imagemap" but also providing a lot of additional possibilities.
For the initial version of MM Interactive the following features are planned:


  • Extbase/Fluid
  • jQuery/jQuery plugins
  • will run in TYPO3 > 6.2.x
  • backend:
  • movable tools to facilitate working
  • preview functionality
  • some customizations via Typoscript
  • basic settings in the extension manager (like default colors and default upload directory)
  • frontend:
  • display basics:
  • responsive (resizable)
  • interactive content can be embedded in text (like the CType IMAGE WITH TEXT)

  • area border (events:inactive, clicked,mouseover,mouseout)
  • thickness
  • color
  • transparency
  • type(line, dashed, dotted)

  • area color fill (events:inactive, clicked,mouseover,mouseout)
  • color
  • transparency

  • area image fill image (events:inactive, clicked,mouseover,mouseout)
  • transparency
  • fill
  • repeat-x
  • repeat-y

  • contentbox (events:inactive, clicked,mouseover,mouseout)
  • transparency
  • embedding any kind of TYPO3 content
  • size/position

  • tooltip (events:inactive, clicked,mouseover,mouseout)
  • transparency
  • border
  • size
  • position
  • font color
  • font style
  • font size

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The goal of this project is to have MM Interactive ready and available in the TYPO3 extension repository
(and at TYPO3 forge) by March 2015. The target group are all persons who create and edit content with TYPO3.

Why would you support this project?

My motivation: As a TYPO3 programmer and maintainer of TYPO3-websites I wish to provide my customers with the best possibilites for creating good content.
The motivation for the supporters: Since MM Interactive will be open source everyone who supported this project will have the immediate benefit of using it once it is available.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The money, as payment for my work as a programmer, will make a time window available for the development of MM Interactive.
Without this support I am forced to take customer projects which will prevent me from even starting with this project.

Who are the people behind the project?

My name ist Michael Perlbach and currently I am the only one behind the project. I am a freelance concepter, programmer and project manager living and working in the beautiful town of Hamburg/Germany. I have been doing a variety of internet projects for more than ten years, thus I accumulated quite some experience - especially on the field of developing TYPO3 extensions.
My style of concepting and programming and is focused on the development of applications with as much functionality as possible while keeping a maximum of usability for their users.

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
Michael Perlbach
Gaußstraße 52
22765 Hamburg Germany



The B2B agency RosenbauerSolbach from Hamburg relies on TYPO3 as the cms for their customers. So they have good reasons to support the development of MM Interactive.

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MM Interactive - a TYPO3 extension for enhanced imagemaps
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