Crowdfunding since 2010
Like no other style, Art Deco represents a built manifestation of the interwar period’s enthusiasm and splendour – our project gathers together this heritage in an opulently illustrated book.
Funding period
5/30/12 - 7/15/12
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
4,600 €
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What is this project all about?

Like no other style, Art Deco represents a built manifestation of the interwar period’s enthusiasm and splendour. Buildings of this era in London in particular reflect the elegance, progress and assertiveness that describe the modern metropolis age. Even today, these buildings have lost none of their aura and appeal, yet they lack any proper documentation. This is where our project begins!

Since 2009, we have been working to unveil London’s Art Deco heritage. We crisscrossed London (and the South of England) by car; we sat through rain showers, waiting for the sun to shine for our photographs; we researched the construction period and architect for every single building. The result is a book now ready for publication: a journey through time, back to the origins of the first world city, a tour of glamorous department stores and hotels, luxurious flats, green suburbs, and a dazzling nightlife.

The 216-paged book documents, with large-scaled photography, the architectural Art Deco heritage of London and the South of England. In the introduction, London-based architect Adam Caruso of Caruso St John Architects explains why these buildings continue to be relevant for today’s architectural practice. An illustrated index counting more than 230 objects, a register, and detailed maps to place the buildings, make the book a reference work not only for specialists, but also for anyone with an interest in the topic. It will be published bilingually (English/German) in 24x27cm format, this coming summer… with your support!

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

This book is for everyone with a love of architecture, Art Deco, or simply London itself. And yet, with its pictures of a glittering age’s pure formal pleasure, it is not only a coffee table book, but also a documentation of a near-forgotten architectural movement. Thus, every building is listed carefully with address, time of construction and architect in the illustrated index – lest we forget this wonderful heritage!

Why would you support this project?

Until now, we have undertaken this project with great personal involvement and manageable financial expense. For almost 3 years, we have poured our efforts into the project, with enormous support from our friends – whether with translation, proofreading, or the photograph selection process. Nevertheless, the book’s print costs exceed our financial capacities. To ensure the culmination of our project, and to preserve the effulgence of this era, we need your support!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The printing costs for a run of 1000 copies will be 8500 Euro. Part of this sum will be raised via foundations, and part will be personally funded by us. A sum of 4600 Euro still remains to be covered. Your support will only be used for the printing costs – and if you make sure you get your own copy as reward, you yourself will benefit from the investment!

Who are the people behind the project?

This project is mainly the joint work of Niels Lehmann and Christoph Rauhut. We both studied architecture at the ETH Zurich, and now work in different positions in the field. Niels Lehmann took the photographs for the book, and shone the original light on the project with his enthusiasm; Christoph Rauhut takes care of the rest. We have been supported by a number of people, including the London-based architect Adam Caruso with his (informative but also entertaining) text.

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

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6/28/12 - Liebe Förderer, Freunde, Fans,mit großer...

Liebe Förderer, Freunde, Fans,mit großer Freude haben wir in den letzten Wochen beobachtet, wie viel großzügige Unterstützung wir für das Projekt bekommen haben – ein erster kolossaler Dank an alle!Da wir jetzt unser gesetztes Ziel von 4600 Euro erreicht haben, können wir nun das Buch publizieren.Einige haben auch schon gefragt was passiert, wenn mehr zusammenkommt – hier die Antwort: Man darf und kann weiter unterstützen! In unserer Kalkulation ist ein Eigenanteil an den Druckkosten von ca. 3000 Euro eingerechnet, weitere Spenden verwenden wir also ausschließlich für die Druckkosten. Und man selber sichert sich natürlich noch das Buch!



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Vielen Dank an die Redaktion!

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