Crowdfunding since 2010

Das KOSTENLOSE Betreuungsnetzwerk, bei dem sich hundeliebe Menschen um deinen Hund kümmern...als wäre es ihr Eigener!

The most beautiful way of dog care. We bring dogless people together with dog owners. Unlike usual dog sitting, we take care of dogs not for money but to have a good time with dog. The highest reward for us is the love of the dog.
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Funding period
9/28/21 - 10/31/21
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What is this project all about?

Doggy daycare doesn't have to be expensive, it can even be free!

We connect dog-loving people without dogs, with dog owners who need regular dog care but can't afford it.

For this purpose we have developed our solidarity care network.


  • People without a dog can finally spend time with an animal on a regular basis
  • Dog care becomes accessible for EVERYONE
  • For once, the motivation is not MONEY, but LOVE FOR THE DOG (sounds cheesy, but it is)
  • Our focus on ease of use of the app & design.
  • Solidary help & neighborly cohesion

Care network easily via app.
Here's an example:
You're looking for half-day care for Saturday.

Now you simply open the app and see already dog helpers*innen who are looking for a dog for this day.

If none of them fits, you can create a request in a few clicks.

Then dog-loving people from the community will apply for it..

It gets even better!

The emergency button for your dog care
In addition to planned dog care, there are also unforeseen moments in which someone must take care of your pet.
These can be e.g. e.g. medical emergencies.

If you have to take care of yourself or other people, the emergency network helps you to find dog helpers in the neighborhood very quickly.

You can concentrate 100% on your individual emergency. You can be sure that your dog is safe.

The helping people can verify themselves by ID & are rated by the community.
This is how we create a safe care network.

The problem with #LOCKDOWNDOGS.
The topic of dog care couldn't be more topical, as Germans alone have acquired over 1Million new pets during the pandemic - including a great many dogs!

People are on the road more again, going to the office for work, and asking themselves, "Who will take care of my dog when I can't right now?"

Just leave dogs alone? Not a good idea!
Just leaving the pet alone is the only solution for some dog owners*... Because helpful friends & family members are not always available as dog sitters.

For a few hours, this is absolutely okay, but if it is regularly many hours, then the animals suffer. This creates stress in the animal and leads, for example, to loud barking, your favorite pillow is attacked ... in really hard cases, it even leads to long-term behavioral disorders in the animal.

Like us humans, a dog simply needs regular attention & affection.

"Coincidentally", the perfect solution developed.
For about 2 years now we have been working on the topic of "solidary dog care". During our studies we started talking to dog lovers* about their concerns & wishes.

The most exciting realization was that there are probably enough dog-loving people who would also like to take care of an animal for free.
As a result, we developed our "Dog Tinder" to connect dog-less people with neighborhood dogs for long-term adoption. We have already been able to inspire over 3,000 people with this feature.

Now we want to take this principle to the next level!

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The goal is to make dog care more accessible and personal, to allow dog-loving people time with dogs and at the same time to relieve the dog owners. (The dog, of course, also benefits from getting more attention & exercise!)

There are many reasons why people get involved as dog helpers:

  • Some have just moved out of home and miss the family dog.
  • In old age, they no longer have the strength to keep a dog of their own.
  • Others are still coming to terms with the death of their four-legged companion and cannot yet imagine acquiring a new dog

Patzo offers these people the opportunity to still spend valuable time with dogs on a regular basis.

At Patzo everyone is equal, because we all share the love for dogs.
From young to old - from all walks of life.
People come together and share their love for the four-legged friend.

Why would you support this project?

Up to this point, we have been able to fund the project from our own resources and through the wonderful support of friends and family.

In the face of the #LockdownDog problem, we have the chance to save the shelters from overcrowding and the dogs from losing their newfound home.

We believe that dog care doesn't have to be expensive. If the motivation is not making money, but the deep desire to spend time with a dog, then everyone involved benefits!

(Disclaimer: We are not saying that there should be no more professional dog sitters, they have their justification and should not be replaced. We want to make dog care more accessible overall, just also for people who have little money)

Investors see too little profit opportunities...
We have been looking for funders since the beginning of the year.
After 8 months we now know, the project does not yield "enough" to be interesting for these people.

Together we make it possible!
Therefore, we want to stay true to the basic idea of the project and focus on the dog community.
We want to prove that community solutions work very well - even without maximizing profit!
That's why we are asking for support from the dog community.

How to support the project

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The money allows us to build our care network now that it counts.

What is needed to do this & what will the money be used for?

Cover running costs:

  • ID card verification (handled by professional third party providers)
  • Server
  • Database
  • Support

App development & maintenance:
And the technical requirements are growing as well. Our co-founder Alex is a brilliant developer, but even he needs technical support every now and then to keep the app running stable and secure.

Hen-and-egg problem: .
The network only works if enough helping people & people with dogs are active at the same time. This requires a certain density of users per city.
Only then, for example, the emergency network can work.
Fortunately, we now know very well how to reach enough people, however, this also costs money.

30.000€ would enable us to be available all over Germany within 12 months.

We will be able to cover these costs well in the future through unobtrusive advertising and donations, until then we need your support!

Who are the people behind the project?

We are Felix, Marcel and Alex.
We've been friends for over 5 years now (Felix and Alex even grew up together).
Since 2 years ago we put everything into our passion project.

You may already know us & Patzo as "Tinder" with dogs (WEBSITE).
In 2019 we have already been able to implement this idea thanks to a crowdfunding campaign - THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN!

Marcel & Felix have studied e-commerce & Alex has studied human-computer systems.
This has given us the necessary skills to implement such a project.

The idea came up during our studies, because none of us had the opportunity to keep a dog of our own.
In the course "Management of digital innovations" we learned to develop digital solutions for real problems. Dog lovers* were always at the center of this.
Countless conversations and surveys with dog lovers* then gave us the confidence to put our vision into action.

As a team, we have already overcome some challenges & setbacks.
It makes us incredibly happy to see that dog-loving people are already benefiting from Patzo.
This motivates us to make the project much bigger and to build loving dog communities all over the country.

Thank you so much for your support!
It's only through community support that Patzo is even possible :)

Die Patzos

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  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

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  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

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Legal notice
Patzo GmbH
Marcel Wittstadt
Obere Bachgasse 11
97225 Zellingen Deutschland


Bund gegen Missbrauch der Tiere e. V.

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Patzo: Solidarische Hundebetreuung durch hundelose Menschen
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