Crowdfunding since 2010

Crowdfunding für den Erhalt unseres gemeinschaftlichen Studios

We are an artist community sharing a studio space in Berlin Neukölln. The effects of the "corona crisis" threaten our existence ... and very acute our creative space. Two years ago we started to transform a forgotten dance hall from the 1920s into a community studio. The premises formerly known as the "splendid hall" were closed for more than 10 years. We have rebuilt the Prachtaal Studio with a lot of work and high financial costs for us ... and are now very afraid to lose our studio space.
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Funding period
3/23/20 - 4/23/20
30 Tage
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62 Supporter

ivonne kellner
ivonne kellner
Tina Zimmermann
Tina Zimmermann
Friederike Märtin
Friederike Märtin
Birthe Fabienke
Birthe Fabienke
Ann-Kathrin Mühlen
Ann-Kathrin Mühlen
Ralf Peter
Ralf Peter
Davide Barbuto
Davide Barbuto
Hanna Manhart
Hanna Manhart
Miriam Mohr
Miriam Mohr
Jakob Scheler
Jakob Scheler
Brian Merz
Brian Merz
Antonia Schnabl
Antonia Schnabl
anonymous supports: 24

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Prachtsaal Studio // Please help to save our studio space
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