Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Andy Schmaus Elfmorgen

Deutschland / Limeshain

Ich bin Sänger und Gitarrist der Band ELFMORGEN.

Subscribed projects
Own projects
Kjetil Dahlhaus

Unser Stöffche kommt in die Dose

Unser Stöffche soll endlich festivaltauglich werden – deshalb möchten wir unsere 4 Apfelweinsorten in 0,5 L Dosen füllen!
15,959 € (106%)
Unser Stöffche kommt in die Dose
dna merch

dna merch - made with dignity, worn with attitude

It’s on again, people! Support garment workers in Croatia and South Asia by buying a tee from your favourite band! We count on you:)
27,569 € (184%)
dna merch - made with dignity, worn with attitude
Ficken Schmidt

Kapelle Petra - Album Krautfunding 2015

32,115 € (128%)
Kapelle Petra - Album Krautfunding 2015
Linus Armakola

Nonstock 2014

2,147 € (107%)
Nonstock 2014
Lucas Schobert

Cliffsight - "Liquid Demon" Musikvideo

1,571 € (112%)
Cliffsight -