Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Annemie Martin

Deutschland / Berlin

My name is Annemie Martin and I live and work as a freelance photographer in Berlin.
In March 2020 I started a photographic dialog with personal texts with Jana Kießer — 'On potato-roses and burning treetops' — our conversation kept us going... now we're making a book!
In August 2021 we will publish our series in a book and exhibit it at Willy-Brandt-Haus in Berlin! Check out our crowdfunding!


Subscribed projects
Own projects
Annemie Martin und Jana Kießer

On potato-roses and burning treetops

realization of the book project by Annemie Martin und Jana Kießer
7,076 € (144%)
On potato-roses and burning treetops