Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Harald Geil

Deutschland / Berlin

Harald Geil, was raised as a bavarian country bumpkin near Munich. He has been known to be a daydreamer and, according to his grandmother, spending most of his time with rather useless activities. But things got more serious and tangible as Harald started to study to become a sculptor. Later he tried to rule the World by studying acting at the bavarian State Academy "August Everding".

After seven years of playing on several stages he decided to stay in Berlin, facing life as a freelancing Artist and a survivor of the fittest.

Since he is based in Berlin he did a couple of films and shortmovies and had a little success with several of them.
He is still a dreamer and puts a lot of passion into familiar facades.

Subscribed projects
Own projects

Cloud Making Machine

5,270 € (105%)
Cloud Making Machine