Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Kristine Tauch


Since 2006 I work as a solo entrepreneur in the educational field with children, teenagers and adults. In 2016 I started working with unaccompanied refugee kids. This led me to found MasterPeace Wiesbaden in May 2017, together with Bledion Vladi, a refugee himself. I studied pedagogics, screenwriting and creative writing. But most importantly: My hunger for good stories is my drive.

Subscribed projects
Own projects
Adrian Pourviseh

The summer in the Mediterranean

A graphic novel on the world's deadliest external border
13,014 € (289%)
The summer in the Mediterranean
Sophie Krieg

Women of Rwanda

Ein Dokumentarfilm über Frauen in Ruanda, dem aufstrebenden Stern der Geschlechtergleichberechtigung
5,007 € (100%)
Women of Rwanda
Marina Ollero

In A Woman's Body – the new platform for women's health

Have you ever wondered why it is that hard to find information around women’s health? We are building a platform to change this together with you!
2,182 € (11%)
In A Woman\'s Body – the new platform for women\'s health

Weltheld- Liebe deinen Planeten!

Umweltfreundlich=Verzicht?! Nicht mit unseren plastikfreien, stylischen Alltagshelfern!
8,957 € (179%)
Weltheld- Liebe deinen Planeten!
Felicitas Mietz


Nächste Platte mit deiner Patte! :)
30,609 € (153%)

The 1. yogamat made from recycled PET-bottles by yōyoka

& with the perfect grip - for you & the planet #consciousforchange
38,761 € (129%)
The 1. yogamat made from recycled PET-bottles by yōyoka