Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Philipp Kastendieck

Deutschland / Göttingen

"Madrina" is the italian word for "gotmother". Literally translated it means "little mother". Under the label madrina the sisters Anna and Katharina Trabert produce beautiful and practical things for babies and small children, which are inspired by their own childhood memories.

Subscribed projects
Own projects
Dr. Gerit Sonntag

Bücher, die Frauen stärken

Menstruation, Mutterwerden, Menopause und weibliche Sexualität: Für ein positives Körperbild und selbstbestimmte Entscheidungen.
11,876 € (119%)
Bücher, die Frauen stärken
liedduo pavone | djeddikar

da.zwischen - in between

We will record a CD with a programme about the in between - a dimension within which resides freedom, dissolution of limits, and a spirit of departure
11,965 € (218%)
da.zwischen - in between