Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Katja von Bauske

Deutschland / Hamburg

When Katja von Bauske steps on stage, people are mesmerized right away by her crystal clear, but at the same time warm voice. Through her songs, she takes the audience on a journey to far destinations.

For her first album „PROJEKT WELTWEIT" Katja von Bauske has definitely gone the extra mile and recorded 8 of her songs in local studios of Seoul, Shanghai, San Francisco, Paris, Los Angeles, Reykjavik, Vancouver Island and Hamburg. To implement a feeling for the location, all her songs were recorded with local musicians, which she met while her travelings. The project breaks through boundaries and connects people all over the globe. The release of the album took place on 20th of March 2020, exactly within the beginning of a global crisis, where borders were closed and society was shut down.

Katja's new project is all about change (PROJECT CHANGE). The last few months have demanded a lot from all of us. The transition to a new, golden age is a bumpy road with many unpleasant surprises that we must now face in order to move forward. The musician is now taking a different sound with her single "Close my Eyes". The dark cinema production is more or less a summary of the last 10 months translated into 4 minutes of art. At the moment she is working towards completion of her EP "Project Change", for which she has launched a crowdfunding to make it happen.

Subscribed projects
Own projects
Isabelle Frank

Naturkindergarten an der Lohe

Gründung eines Naturkindergartens mit Jurten, gelebter Potenzialentwicklung, mitfühlendem Umgang und Gewaltfreier Kommunikation
12,179 € (122%)
Naturkindergarten an der Lohe
Wohnzimmertouristen Marina & Ben Held

Wohnzimmertouristen EP "Was Wagen"

Nach unserem Debüt-Album wartet nun unsere erste EP darauf, produziert zu werden. Wir möchten mit eurer Unterstützung neue Musik in die Welt tragen.
8,220 € (111%)
Wohnzimmertouristen EP "Was Wagen"
NANÉE àka Nannette Emmerich

"Tausend Farben" - the new CD from NANÉE

German Soul-Pop that celebrates diversity and life.
6,170 € (104%)
"Tausend Farben" -  the new CD from NANÉE
Fred Martin

The Better Place Album Crowdfunding Campaign

My Album is due to be released with the help & support from my Crowdfunding Campaign which will donate 50% from every album sold to a special Charity.
5,769 € (144%)
The Better Place Album Crowdfunding Campaign
Charifa Radji

CHARIFAS MUSIC Album "Mein Versprechen"

Hilf mir dabei, meine Musik in die Welt zu tragen.
30,294 € (121%)
CHARIFAS MUSIC Album  "Mein Versprechen"