Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Christiane Brandwein

Deutschland / Weinheim

I am Christiane Brandwein, and I wish for the people who have come to our country in search of protection, to receive a fair chance here, to integrate themselves and their cultures, just like I was received and welcomed in my years as a foreigner in various countries.
We believe by understanding others’ cultures, fear will be replaced by compassion, and strangers will become acquaintances, thus creating a stable, peaceful coexistence.
Our experience shows that food creates exactly this bridge: once you have chopped, cooked, laughed. and eaten together, you are no longer strangers. And THAT is our goal.

Subscribed projects
Own projects

KochKultur - where food is more than just eating

Creating something together unifies. So does food. Therefore cooking together is an ideal way of bridging the gap between cultures.
25,142 € (251%)
KochKultur - where food is more than just eating