Crowdfunding since 2010

Unite people to empower sustainable change.

room for____ provides space for sustainability empowerment, bringing people together to enable sustainable change. With room for____ we want to create places of encounter, both online and physical, to bring in as many different perspectives as possible and create an open community that encourages ongoing dialogue and learning from each other.
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Funding period
11/3/22 - 12/9/22
We are already on it!
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 5,000 €

We need money to establish ourselves securely, to distribute the work and to be able to value our collaborators.

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Primary sustainable development goal

What is this project all about?

Our goal is to unite people to empower sustainable change.
There are a lot of great people and initiatives to shape solutions for a more sustainable future.

But what can we do in our own daily lives to contribute to this change? What can each and every one of us do? The very concept of sustainability can be overwhelming. And often one doesn't want to be the one asking a question to which everyone else seems to already have an answer.

That's why we want to create places of encounter for people to meet, both online and in-person, on a regular basis, to share different perspectives and possible answers to the question, "What can I do?"

It's okay to not have it all figured out. It's okay to just go for it. It's okay to have questions. Let's ask them!

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

We want to make our get-togethers and content accessible to people of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. The solution is to normalise sustainable alternatives by reframing what these alternatives are. It is about more than eco-shopping. It is about education, community and celebrating the small victories to take away the feeling of powerlessness. We will all meet limitations on our environmental journeys, and we must respect the ability, or inability, of others to adopt certain practices.

Why would you support this project?

Last year we organized a sobremesa once a month. Evenings where we, together with you and two experts from different areas of sustainability, gathered around a long table and explored the question "What can we do?" over delicious tapas and drinks.

Among others, we had the pleasure to talk to Deepwave, Stückgut Unverpackt Laden Hamburg, Oclean, Weciety and Traceless about ocean protection, zero waste, slow and fair fashion, clean ups, cradle to cradle and sustainability motivation.

We are passionate about continuing and developing our concept and formats. Thanks to your positive feedback, we have valuable input to further think about our sobremesas and room for____ and to work out more accessible content and possibilities on "What can we do?". For that, we need your support.

room for____ is very dear to us. We put all our work and energy into it on a completely voluntary basis.

We need money to build up securely, to distribute the work and to be able to appreciate our collaborators.

As a thank you for your support, we have teamed up with creatives and designers in Hamburg to send a little room for____ to your home. We are also very happy about a free donation.

Let's ask the question "What can we do?" together to empower sustainable change and design solutions for a more sustainable future.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Our mission is to unite people to empower sustainable change. With the money we want to further elaborate our formats, both online and in-person, distribute the work on several shoulders and cherish collaborations. We want to continue to expand our website, spread and increase our events, and generate more content and input. Our dream goal is to have room for____ meeting moments of all kinds in every city, so that as many people as possible can participate in a dialogue for sustainable change.

Who are the people behind the project?

We are Theresa Deeg (Eco-signer, On Purpose Fellow) and Alina Boehm (Designer, Architecture). We are united by the belief that together we can help shape the world towards a more sustainable future. This mutual drive sparked the idea for room for____.

room for_____

What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal


Why does this project contribute to this goal?

Wir möchten mit unserem Projekt Menschen zum Handeln animieren. Was können wir in unserem eigenen Alltag tun? In unserem Lebensumfeld? Mit unseren Möglichkeiten?

Zudem wollen wir mehr Perspektiven in den Prozess mit einbeziehen. Daher setzen wir uns dafür ein, dass nachhaltige Lösungsansätze aus der nachhaltigen Bubble herausgeholt und inklusiver gedacht, diskutiert und vor Allem mitgestaltet werden.

This project also pays toward those goals

Cities & communities
Sustainable consumption

The crowdfunding project was not successful and can no longer be supported.

  • All orders and payments have been automatically cancelled and reversed.
  • You have questions? Contact the Startnext support team.
What does this mean? 
Legal notice
room for____
Theresa Deeg
Alsterchausse, 7
20149 Hamburg Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: 54603197267

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