Crowdfunding since 2010

Film à pleurer

“Instead of humanising men, we are capitalising women”. "MAGENTA-Film à pleurer" is a feminist short film based on what the sociologist Eva Illouz calls "Feminism and the Cooling of Intimacy". Your support is needed to guarantee the fully realisation of the project.
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Funding period
3/31/22 - 5/1/22
June 2022
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 700 €

Equipment, Set Design, Locations and Catering.

Movie / Video
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What is this project all about?

"MAGENTA-Film à pleurer" is a short film that follows a day in the life of Nana: the day her romantic relationship ends. The Camera, almost as a character itself, holds Nana by the hand while meeting women who will be significant to her emotional journey and will bring her to dig out her true self, until then covered up with the false credo of the “strong woman who needs no man”.

Cool feminism tries to adjust women to the men’s world instead of making men’s world more appropriate.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Feminism has long promoted the idea of the "strong and independent woman". "To preserve one's own autonomy" has often been wrongly understood as being not too much dependent on anyone, as if attachment to one’s intimate partner entailed the loss of that same autonomy and independence. According to Illouz, unintended consequences of some branches of feminism are the make of “cool” relationships by rationalising them and the promotion of radical individualism. "MAGENTA-Film à pleurer" wants to expose this problem and tell its audience that emotions are not a weakness and a threat to women's achievements and nor must they be for men.

Why would you support this project?

Only with your support "MAGENTA-Film à pleurer" will be able to reach the audience and draw attention to socially relevant topics such as emotions in relation to gender equality.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

"MAGENTA-Film à pleurer" boasts a team composed mostly of students and young professionals, who work free of charge and out of passion.
Nevertheless, your support is essential to everything else around that:

  • Equipment and set design: the film will stylistically be an homage to Jean-Luc Godard, and so require camera and editing experimentations, as well as a huge amount of set designing work.
  • Catering: I don't want our amazing team to go hungry ;).
  • Locations.

Who are the people behind the project?

Team professional background and motivation:

Laura Nai (Director / Scriptwriter and Producer).
"I have a master in directing and I currently study scriptwriting at filmArche Berlin. "MAGENTA-Film à pleurer" steams from my interest in making films that deal with social issues and feminist theories".

Lorand Imre (Camera and Associative Producer)
"I am a communications professional who turned filmmaker, cameraperson, pursuer of my dreams, loving person, and a caring friend".

Lorenzo Ricci (Editor)
"I have a master in directing and I currently study editing at filmArche Berlin. I've chosen to take part in this project because i like the idea of a character who has to deal for the first time with her/his own vulnerability".


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  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

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