Crowdfunding since 2010
For several years I am in working process with Singers from different Cultures and Religions for the Divine. Every Religion and Culture has a description for something, that is the same, only with other words, in a own special way. Mantras from India, tibetan Songs, christian and moslem sung prayers, Songs of the Native Americans, and from the mongolian Deserts - A treasure and richness of spriritual songs from the World. All songs are connected through the music, that sounds beyond all borders.
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Funding period
2/3/15 - 3/31/15
Februar März 2015
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
8,000 €
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51 Supporter

Christoph Hensel
Christoph Hensel
Simone Löffler
Simone Löffler
Christian Nicolai
Christian Nicolai
Thommie Bayer
Thommie Bayer
Ulli Torspecken
Ulli Torspecken
Christian Nicolai
Christian Nicolai
Gottfried Strehler
Gottfried Strehler
Andrea Hartelt
Andrea Hartelt
Sabine Schmidt
Sabine Schmidt
Rosi Kottig
Rosi Kottig
Dorothea Traub
Dorothea Traub
Hermann Böhm
Hermann Böhm
anonymous supports: 20

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CD Produktion "Songs for the Divine" Büdi Siebert

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