Crowdfunding since 2010

Support the independent publication of a record at the intersection of science, philosophy, and art

What kind of noise does the industrial manufacture of products leave behind and what are the ecological consequences? For the past year, I have been investigating this question and have developed the idea of the „sonic footprint“ in a multidisciplinary research. The next milestone of this research project is a first publication - not only in writing, but also in sound, in the form of a record; one of the oldest technologies to "print" sound.
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Funding period
10/15/23 - 12/9/23
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
8,000 €
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Primary sustainable development goal
Life below water

What is this project all about?

In a nutshell:

It's actually quite simple: The research project "sonic footprints" is concerned with the ecological consequences of noise generated by the industrial manufacture of products. It all started with the question of what acoustic footprint everyday products actually leave in the landscape - and how this affects animals and ecosystems. While the climate crisis has now reached a broad public and is widely debated, there are environmental problems that are barely mentioned. For example, sound emissions have hardly been discussed as an environmental problem, which sparked my interest in the connection between sound and ecology. That is how the idea was born to research the consequences of the invisible phenomenon of sound in a multidisciplinary way. Now this research is to be published in the form of a record.

In detail:

My research project focuses on the dolphin as a case study - both as a concrete product in the form of a toy dolphin and as an affected living being. Dolphins are popular animals and are sold as toys by the millions every year. But what ecological responsibility goes hand in hand with the consumption of such products? What footprint does their production leave on the ocean ecosystem, the home of (non-toy) dolphins? Dolphins are known for their sensitive hearing, which is essential for their survival, as it helps them orient in the vast sea. The production of the toy dolphin is associated with an industry that produces so much noise underwater that it can become a deadly hazard to the real dolphin.
To illustrate this, I have captured the noise that occurs along the supply chain of the toy dolphin; both above and below the water. They are now to be heard as a "sonic footprint" on the record.

Now sound is a phenomenon whose ecological effect is difficult to assess. Scientific research on this topic has only existed for a few decades, so there are only a few studies on the topic of sound emissions in ecosystems.
Measuring an acoustic footprint is a new concept for which there is no standard approach yet. Therefore, I interviewed several specialists on the topic of sound and collected their current knowledge to get closer to the answer to my question. Among the specialists are a bioacoustician (Gianni Pavan), a phenomenologist (Robert Rosenberger), a philosopher who writes about sound (Salomé Voegelin) and an anthropologist who deals with environmental perception (Tim Ingold). In a collection of interviews, a multi-perspective discourse has thus emerged in which the ecological impact of the "sonic footprint" is being discussed.

The interviews are an invitation to expand our understanding of ecology by referring to sound.

What will you be hearing on the record?

The final part of the project revolves around the question of how to make the issue not only scientifically understood, but also emotionally tangible.
The field recordings were thus given to two renowned artists who specialize in working with recordings/samples. This resulted in soundpieces in which sound was not talked about, but worked with directly. The record is an interdisciplinary examination of the elusive medium of sound - an invitation to join in the discussion, to feel empathy, to become more sensitive.

Now the project is in the starting blocks to be published and still needs the necessary funding.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The aim of the project is to generate new perspectives on ecology through a multi-perspective investigation of man-made noise.
In an interdisciplinary discourse, perspectives from science, philosophy and music come together to initiate a new understanding of ecology, including sound.
The aim is to use this publication as a starting point to deepen the research project "sonic footprints". Through a wider reach created by the publication, we increase the network in which the research question is pursued. Since this is an interdisciplinary work, the target groups are widely spread.

People for whom the publication is a must have:

  • ecologists
  • [musicians
  • designers
  • Phenomenologists
  • anthropologists

business target groups of the publication are:

  • publishers
  • record labels
  • sound festivals
  • institutes dealing with ecology
  • design magazines

Why would you support this project?

The project is within the realm of Artistic Research. A creative form of acquiring knowledge, where artistic methods complement scientific practice. This form of research has far fewer funding options than purely scientific research projects, which is why I decided to crowdfund the publication.
Artistic research is an important contribution to finding new research questions and thereby advancing the process of gaining knowledge. The project "sonic footprints" pleads for a more sensitive perception of the environment through the sense of hearing. The consideration of sound in our understanding of ecology is essential, considering how many living beings communicate through sound. By publishing "sonic footprints" as a record you help us to bring this thinking out into the world and also to sensitize other people to listen more carefully.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The following items require funding in order for the publication to succeed:
Anything raised above the funding goal will benefit the artists* involved.

  • Pressing of the record in transparent blue (300x): 2500€
  • Print of the interviews on an accompanying poster (300x): 500€
  • Mastering of all audio content digitally and for vinyl: 300€
  • Proofreading of all texts: 100€
  • Graphic design of poster and cover: 2600€
  • Artistic contributions of all musicians: 2000€
  • Percentage to Startnext
  • Shipping and parcel costs for record and merch

Who are the people behind the project?

Behind the project are the following persons with the following function:

  • Louis Möckel: I am the initiator, researcher and curator.
  • Sigrid Schmeisser: Sigrid is an amazing graphic designer and will create a stunning cover.
  • haemd Modedesign is a sustainable fashion label from Saxony-Anhalt and supports us with the production of the merchandise. Sustainable, local, without a big footprint
  • there are four interview partners* whose contributions will be on the accompanying poster:
  • - Tim Ingold: Tim is a renowned anthropologist who gave an interview on the topic of ecological perception.
    - Salomé Voegelin: Salomé is a leading figure in the field of sound philosophy and has given an interview on the subject of "sonic possible worlds".
    - Robert Rosenberger: Robert is a phenomenologist and has given an interview on the topic of sound technology and its effect on science.
    - Gianni Pavan: Gianni is a bioacoustician and has given an interview about sound research in biology.
  • And then there are 2 musicians whose names you will learn if you follow the campaign on my Instagram channel. This much I can already reveal: they are masters of sampling and have both already played at Berghain.

What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal

Life below water

Why does this project contribute to this goal?

The project raises awareness about the collateral damage caused by sound pollution to our consumer products. The focus of the debate is the effect of underwater noise on dolphins. The method of education is artistic and pushes new forms of knowledge transfer.

This project also pays toward those goals


The crowdfunding project was not successful and can no longer be supported.

  • All orders and payments have been automatically cancelled and reversed.
  • You have questions? Contact the Startnext support team.
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Louis Möckel Grafik Design
Louis Möckel
Neustädter Str 27
70499 Stuttgart Deutschland

11/9/23 - Dear supporters, first of all I would like to...

Dear supporters,

first of all I would like to thank you for your kind support and your trust into the project "sonic footprints". I feel honored by your generosity!
As you might already know the funding goal of the campaign hasn't been met yet which is why I have decided to lower the startlevel down to 8000€. This way I can still press the vinyl, while covering the other costs through selling the record after the pressing.

Thank you for your patience!


11/9/23 - Dear supporters, first of all I would like to...

Dear supporters,

first of all I would like to thank you for your kind support and your trust into the project "sonic footprints". I feel honored by your generosity!
As you might already know the funding goal of the campaign hasn't been met yet which is why I have decided to extend the campaign up to the 9th of December.

This will give me more time to direct the campaign to my target group and change the strategy to focus more on preselling the record.

Thank you for your patience!

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