Crowdfunding since 2010
The card game „Stimmvieh“ ironically addresses a German election campaign. While all parties are bidding for votes and for realizing their election platforms, often the real issue is fundraising through donations and public refunds. Supporters can vote for campaign slogans and for who the campaign donators will be. Besides, up to 36 supporters can become politicians by placing their portrait onto a card, the back of the box or even its title. The gameplay is language independent.
Funding period
6/23/14 - 7/21/14
October, 31, 2014
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
5,980 €
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Hoffnung - Hope

Andrea Meyer
Andrea Meyer2 min Lesezeit

*** see below for the English text ***

Es scheint sich eine Lösung abzuzeichnen in der Frage des Treuhandkontos. Ich habe meinen entsprechenden Antrag scheinbar zielsicher genau im Zeitraum einer Umstellung der Bezahlmethoden gestellt, weshalb er versandete. Ich werde jetzt umgehend eine Bank-Ident-Prüfung übersenden, und dann sollten wir hoffentlich rasch in die Finanzierungsphase starten können.

Wer vorab schon mal schauen will, wie er/sie als Politiker/in im Obama-Stil wirkt, kann das im Internet tun (s. Link). Die Stimmvieh-Spielkarten werden natürlich noch viel schöner (immer vorausgesetzt, ihr schickt schöne Fotos ;-)). Und natürlich bekommen sie die Parteifarbe. Als Kandidat/in könnt ihr eure Wunschpartei angeben , es gibt aber natürlich keine Garantie, dass ihr dieser angehören werdet.


*** see below for the English text ***

A solution for the trust account seems near. Obviously I managed to ask for the account right during a time of migration to different methods of payment which somehow let it vanish. I will now send a proof of bank account identity to the startnext platform asap which hopefully lets us start the funding phase soon.

If you want to check your appearance as Obama style politician in advance, you can do so on the Internet (see below). Of course the cards in Stimmvieh will become even more beautiful (given that you sent beautiful pictures, that is ;-)) And of course they will have the party colour. As a candidate you can wish for a party to join, but obviously there's no guarantees on that.

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
Andrea Meyer
Friesenstr. 15
10965 Berlin Deutschland

Umsatzsteuer Nummer / VAT number: DE172567816

Stimmvieh - it's your decision!
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