Crowdfunding since 2010

The way you wake up affects every day of your life. Start your days with the sunrise as the most natural way to awake. –––handmade–––

Wouldn’t it be awesome to softly wake up with dawn, no matter how early your work day begins, how early the kids have to go to school, or how long the winter nights get? This 3-in-1 sunrise-shelf simulates dawn and a clear-sky sunrise over the course of half an hour, to give you a sensational start into the day. Simply set your desired time of sunrise on the app, insert the plug from the dial into the socket of your smartphone and take a good night’s sleep. May the dawn be with you!
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Funding period
3/3/21 - 4/11/21
March 2021 to September 2021
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 18,000 €

With this goal we can finance the remaining development steps, set up the production and produce your sunrise-shelves. – just as in the timeline above –

Gronau (Westfalen)
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9 Supporter

Anna Reichart
Anna Reichart
Amir Faisal
Amir Faisal
Marudith Martin
Marudith Martin
A Browne
A Browne
Justin Case
Justin Case
Mike Borgeld
Mike Borgeld
Edmund Wood
Edmund Wood
anonymous supports: 2
sunrise-shelf, wake up naturally
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