Crowdfunding since 2010

Moonflow Calender, Diary, Projectplanner and Adventure Guide - so much Magic in just one Book!

"The Sound of Sisterhood" is a 4-in-1 journal: moon calendar, life planner, diary and female cycle tracker. It is a companion for women to dive into the magic and beauty of being a woman. Woman can use this journal to flow with their feminine intuition and learn how to ride the emotional roller coaster. Furthermore, they can acknowledge their potential, boost their self-confidence, get things done and eventually find the dream partner aligned with their values.
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Funding period
9/6/20 - 11/1/20
March - November 2020
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 14,000 €

8.500 € - 500 books (german, english)
3.000 € - 300 books (portuguese)
2.500 € - Layout & Design
+ Carola needs to pay further development and design costs

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What is this project all about?

This book allows you to discover your cycle (sacred moon flow), explore it and integrate its wisdom into your daily life. It enables you to intuitively discover your female cycle and learn how to use it for yourself.

Instead of suffering and judging yourself, you will move towards empathy and self-acceptance. It allows you to structure your life to flow with the rhythms of nature. The calendar is aligned with the lunar phases and can reveal some mysteries of existence and life.

The integrated strategic life planner will give you the opportunity to

  • dream big and break down your big dreams and life plans
  • clearly define your deep desires
  • evaluate every month
  • plan your weeks
  • take daily action steps towards your goals

It is possible. Remember, when you’re aligned, things will flow much more effortlessly! This book is based on my "Flow in Discipline" method, which I first created for my own use. Now I want to share it with you.

Besides this, there will be stories of inspiring women that will share some of their personal stories, insights on their journeys, and how their lives changed when they connected themselves more to their feminine intuition. I will share some of my personal experiences and stories, memories, and other surprises, too. All this will give a glimpse into long-forgotten times.

Additionally, you will all have free access to an online portal where you can find even more inspiration, explanatory videos, guided meditations and visualisations.

Are you ready for this adventure?

By the way, your partner can be part of this journey, too!

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

This book will accompany women step by step throughout the year. Everything that I will pass on, I had been searching for myself for the past years.

Above all, the audience for this book is:
A new age woman who is eager to discover herself every day a little bit more. She further feels the call to open up, take a deep dive into hidden treasures within and embark on an adventure to discover yet unseen sides of herself. It is also for men, who want to discover this universe together with their partners.

"The Sound of Sisterhood" is a book and at the same time a journey to discover yourself. Without any retreat costs, long flights or waiting time at the airport. It even works in times of corona.

Further, the book is for a woman who wants to:

  • give more attention to her being and beauty as a woman
  • explore and celebrate the magic of the internal feminine cycles
  • discover and use her talents and potential
  • create her own reality
  • deepen her romantic relationships and learn how to ride the waves of life together
  • create and cultivate a connection to nature
  • dance to the music of life between flow and discipline


  • understand your emotional rollercoaster
  • observe your feelings, thoughts, ideas
  • open your mind and change your perspective
  • connect to the wisdom you carry within (instead of merely consuming what is presented to you from the outside)
  • realize your dreams and life plans
  • create time for daily self-love and reflection
  • redefine your relationships, deepen them and learn to walk together
  • cultivate the connection to your intuition
  • keep track of your goals

Why would you support this project?

The world needs more women who value themselves, reflect upon their paths, and love themselves. Should you decide to support this project, you become part of creating this reality.

In my view, men and women in all their polarities, weaknesses, and strengths, were created for a reason. Nowadays, our society often falls into extremes. It reacts out of defiance, old wounds, or unconscious patterns and habits. The more awareness each one of us creates, the more we will elevate and upgrade as a community.

If you are a man reading this, it is actually even more essential to support this project and get a copy for your partner! How would you understand a woman if she doesn't even understand herself? :)

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

If the funding is successful, the money will be distributed as follows:

--> 13.500 €

  • The book will be printed in 3 languages with hardcover, thread binding, bookmarks, etc
  • German and English (2x 500 books --> 10.500€ )
  • Portuguese (1x 300 books --> 3.000€ )

--> 14.400 €

  • illustration, graphics, and layout of the book
  • text and design of the book, editing, translation, etc.

ONLINE PORTAL (with explanatory videos to understand the templates and topics of the book in depth)

  • construction of the online portal with additional materials ( in all 3 languages )
  • video editing and design
  • website, online presence, etc

This platform is part of the experiences and is for free for the ones using the journal

Legal measures + registrations

--> 2.100 €
7% for startnext and money transfer

All texts, templates and illustrations are ready.
If there is no earthquake, which destroys all the hard disks in the world, nothing can go wrong. And you will get your book at the beginning of November at the latest.

My intention is to publish this journal with an ongoing structure and new topics, ideas and inspiration every year. Part of my 5-year strategy is to publish the book myself in the first year. The pre-sales of the books in this crowdfunding campaign should cover all expenses for the first production.
If we only reach 14.000 € you will still get your book. I would need to borrow a lot of money to pay for all external services.
This would mean that before I can continue with further editions I would need see how this project could make sense financially in the long term. That the content makes sense I am very sure :-)

In concrete terms this means that "The Sound of Sisterhood" 2022 would need to face a few more unnecessary extra challenges.

Let's hit 30.000 € together!

Who are the people behind the project?

Carola von Szemerey, Founder
My mission is to create experiences that bring joy, adventure, and magic. The book is one part of this mission!

My responsibilities: Content (main texts, templates, design), project organisation, legalities, marketing, finances, coordination of the team.

Maori Atumchury, illustrations
Maori is Colombian and lives in Brazil. He illustrated the book with his drawings and is guardian of the traditions of the "Tribo da Lua" in Brazil. He doesn't want to appear on any social media.

Harumi Okamoto, layout and graphics
Harumi is Brazilian with Japanese roots. She is a lawyer and is responsible for the text design and layout of the book. She is also a guardian of the ancestral memories "Tribo da Lua" in Brazil.
Instagram: memoria.ancestral

Manuella Franco, Website
Manu is from Brazil and takes care of the homepage and the online portal.
Instagram: manumelofranco

Moritz Lenz, Crowdfunding Video
Moritz is director and filmmaker from Germany and he supported me producing the crowdfunding video.

Editorial Office: Louise Plessen (German), Justus Wachs (English) , Natalia Trentini (Portuguese)

+ Stories from my very inspiring Sisterhood

Marie - Isabelle Heiss – Lawyer, Politician and Activist
Charifa Radji – Healing Artist
Harumi Okamoto - Lawyer and Guardian of the ancestral memories "Tribo da Lua"
Bel Saide - Doctor and Natural Gynecologist
Ilaria Nardini Gray – Holistic Life Coach and Mentor
Irina Mainka – Musician, Teacher and Dragon
Dr. Julie Moltke, MD – Human Connector, Cannabis specialist and Mental Health Advocate
Lea Valentina Limbrunner – Human, Musician and Explorer
Lisa von Tettenborn – Mother, Medicine Woman and Doula
Mar Michelle Häussler - Woman, Coach and Entrepreneur
Mattea Kratochwil – Ethnologist, masseuse and musician
Mariana Munay – Psychologist and Therapist studying Medicinal Plants
Re Mozzini – Entrepreneur and Yoga Teacher
Rita Loureiro Graça – Poetess, Therapist and Bio architect
Sasha Giovanna – Founder of SHA, Sasha Healing Arts
Felicitas Dora - Doctor and Natural Gynaecologist

In this book, I have combined experiences I have gained over the years in different areas of my life and work. I didn't feel the call to study at university. Instead, I did my Ph.D. in "the school of life and love."

I don't know where the story starts. It probably never started and will never end. One experience had an unexpected impact on my life. When I was 17 years old, I took a trip to Papua New Guinea. I feel like I entered a portal that brought me all the way up in the highlands with the natives. There, I was shocked by a reality so different from my own - an entirely new world. After school, I was curious and wanted to discover the world.

When I first set foot in Brazil almost ten years ago (when I was 19) to start my voluntary service in a Waldorf school in the favelas of Sao Paulo, I discovered another new reality of life. This experience also had a massive impact on how I see the world. All this turned all my plans upside down. I had no idea what I had to do instead of it. I couldn't see myself on any of the paths that were presented to me in those days. I know now that I was extremely privileged, so I decided to make use of this privilege and make a positive impact on this planet. I got back home and started searching.

While searching I

  • became part of the Youth Future Project, with which we organized youth conferences with the alternative Nobel Prize winners.
  • experienced working in a consulting company
  • studied at Knowmads, an alternative business school in Amsterdam.
  • hosted and organized "Education on Tour", an alternative educational project in Brazil and Europe
  • switched from working in social projects to bodywork, meditation and practiced the connection to nature
  • found Bahia's empty beaches - my home for four years
  • started my love story with surfing, singing and dancing
  • immersed myself in healing trauma, meditation, and bodywork and went through a lot of personal transformation
  • was giving massages sessions at the beach while I was being trained as bodyworker
  • became a bodywork therapist (Osho Rebalancing) and started working in a retreat center and supported the retreats with my presence
  • sold sauerkraut and coconut yogurt at the market to survive low seasons
  • opened a hostel for a year in Itacare, a surf paradise
  • found myself in the Tribo da Lua family, who initiated me into the traditions of the mystery of being a woman and helped me to remember
  • was trained at Mindful Talent, a top coaching academy

And much more. Of course I cannot mention everything, but at least you get a picture of who I am :)

For me, these insights in this life journey have brought fundamental changes and shifts in my life: knowing where you are heading and being able to clearly define the goal (my German soul) - at the same time enjoying this path with ease and joy, having fun in life (my Brazilian soul), creating relationships that are not characterized by jealousy, fear, and distrust, but by friendship, love and trust.

Here you can find some videos of the experiences I had

Me explaining an educational Project we initiated in 2013

Global Seed Your Moon Day, 2016

PORTUGUESE with english subtitles
About me living in an ecovillage in brazil working in a holistic health center in 2017

Team Sound of Sisterhood

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
Carola von Szemerey
Carola von Szemerey
Failnbach 17
94419 Reisbach Deutschland

Steuernummer: 110/283/90019

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