Crowdfunding since 2010
The production of our new album "In Charge Of The Scythe" is finished, the release is on the horizon and you can get yourself a seat in the front row and help to get to motor running! - Get the album one month before the official release - Place your name in our new „In Charge Of The Scythe“ video - or on our exclusive support shirt and show everybody that you support heavy metal with your good name \m/ - and much more....
Funding period
6/7/13 - 7/8/13
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
1,700 €
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What is this project all about?

The project is about the release of our new album „In Charge Of The Scythe“. Our guitarist and mastermind Marc Wuestenhagen has produced our album in the beginning of 2013 from the ground up.

The artwork was handmade for us by comic artist Tyler Kirkham, who works relgularly for DC and Top Cow.

Up to this point we have financed everything ourselves and without a big record company. We want to take this thing to the finishline with the help of our still growing family of of fans. There are a couple of personalized rewards. Not only the album itself, but also you can place your name in our upcoming video for the title song or on our exclusive supporter shirt.

Who wants a little more infomation about us, check us out on

\m/ >.< \m/

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The goal is to get the album release financed. Our music is for every metalhead world wide who is into handmade, honest heavy metal with screaming solos, epic choruses and hard pounding drums.

Why would you support this project?

Because we know that we recorded the best album of our career and are dying to show the world what we can deliver. Even without the support of a big record company you can manage to take your music out to the people. Metal fans have always proved to be a big brotherly community, which supports awesome music beyond any mainstream trends.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The money will be used for manufacturing the CDs, the booklets and the support shirts to 100%.

Who are the people behind the project?

The whole band: Norman Dittmar, Steve Mittag, Robert Rath, Benjamin Daemmrich und Marc Wuestenhagen.


The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice

8/28/13 - This is for everybody who helped us...

This is for everybody who helped us crowdfunding our album release! HORNS UP TO ALL OF YOU! Here's your video!Watch out for your names in there!

7/20/13 - Falls ihr Probleme mit dem Nachrichten Senden...

Falls ihr Probleme mit dem Nachrichten Senden über Startnext habt erreicht ihr uns über [email protected]

6/23/13 - Alle die unser neues Album in irgendeiner Form...

Alle die unser neues Album in irgendeiner Form als Dankeschön angeklickt haben, schaut mal in euer Emailfach und hier in euren Nachrichten auf Startnext (ganz oben auf die Sprechblase klicken) dort findet ihr eine kleine Überraschung. :-D

6/14/13 - For your awesome support to our crowdfunding...

For your awesome support to our crowdfunding campaign to finance the manufacturing of our new album, we give this little piece of studio footage. What are Diddi and Benni doing when producer Marc is out for lunch you wonder? this right here:

6/10/13 - Achtung ein kleiner Fehler hat sich ein...

Achtung ein kleiner Fehler hat sich ein geschlichen, der Release Gig ist natürlich am 7.9.2013 nicht am 8. Für alle die das Mega Pack geählt haben und an diesem Tag nicht können, schreibt uns bitte eine Mail an [email protected] dann kümmern wir uns darum!

6/8/13 - You'll find our official campaign video right...

You'll find our official campaign video right here:



Professional Music Production and Audio Engineering

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