Crowdfunding since 2010

With your support I'd like to realize my second solo album

Hello and welcome! I'm Tokunbo, singer and songwriter. You may know me from TokTokTok. Or from my solo debut 'Queendom Come' which I released three years ago. With your support I would like to realise my second solo album 'The Swan'. I have written new songs and I can't wait to share them with you!
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Funding period
11/10/17 - 1/7/18
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 8,000 €

My first funding goal will enable me to cover a few of the upcoming larger costs: mix & mastering, photo shoot, artwork &copyright license.

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What is this project all about?

In the last three years I have worked towards writing songs for my second album and recording it with my band.

Whilst my baby was napping I spent every available minute polishing the song lyrics and together with my producers finally created a vision for 'The Swan'.

I would like to invite you to join me on my musical journey and to dip into the colourful sound world that we have created. Folk meets jazz, intimate arrangements meet orchestral space, the perfect backdrop to my highly personal songwriting.

Have a look at the thank yous that I have put together for your enjoyment. You might want to simply pre-order the album or take a liking to one of the rare hand made items on offer. Or you may enjoy an exclusive living room concert in your home with good friends.

You will also get glimpses of the work process via the blog.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

With your support I would like to fund the final steps of this album in order to release 'The Swan' at the beginning of 2018.

It is my goal to collect 8.000,00 € in 60 days to pay for mix and mastering, the photo shoot as well as the album artwork. Furthermore I would like to book a professional promotion company for press work. The production of an official video would be the cherry on top.

Once again I have assembled my favourite musicians who are just as passionate about this project as I am. And they have created beautiful arrangements for 'The Swan' with much love for detail.

If you are into handmade music with poetic lyrics you will look forward to 'The Swan'. The album is a collection of personal stories, its songs lovingly arranged in atmospheric musical landscapes.
Working closely with our mixing engineer to give the record it's final polish, audio and vinyl lovers will appreciate the depth of the album's sound.

Why would you support this project?

Maybe you have some Tok Tok Tok albums in your record collection and would like to know what became of the 'Voice of Tok Tok Tok'. Or you might have been to one of my concerts and enjoyed the acoustic sound that I stand for with my band. Maybe you were a part of my first crowd funding project for my debut 'Queendom Come' – I am delighted you are back and happy to have you on my journey.

If you are new to my music I would like to invite you to let yourself be swept away by the filigranely woven soundscapes of my music.

You are supporting a creative artist enabling her to continue working independently.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

My first funding goal of 8.000,00 € will enable me to cover a few of the upcoming larger costs:

– mix & mastering
– photo shoot
– artwork
– copyright license (GEMA)

Naturally, I would love as many people as possible to get to know the album which is why I would like to book a professional promotion company to bring my music to the press and the radio.
Hence the second funding goal.

Everything exceeding that will contribute to the production of an official music video for one of the songs.

There is no risk involved for you since the money will be kept in a trustee bank account until the funding goal has been reached. You will get a refund if the project is not successfully funded. In that case you won't receive the thank yous offered.

Who are the people behind the project?

I, Tokunbo, am behind the project.

Backed by my lovely band Ulrich Rode (guitars & production), Matthias 'Maze' Meusel (drums & production), Christian Flohr (bass) & Anne de Wolff (strings and and many more instruments).
By now they have accompanied me for nearly five years both on tour and on my first album.

And hopefully you dear listener! Every contribution, be it little or larger, is highly appreciated!
Thank you for being a part of this!


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  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

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