Crowdfunding since 2010

We need financial support for our wrestling- league NEW, in order to keep this professional platform running for the upcoming wrestlers

The NEW wrestling league has a great NEW staff and super athletes, that are highly motivated and driven by the desire to grow the Entertainment Sport of Wrestling within Germany. NEW is a valid contributor to the growing success of this unique sport in Germany. Our team would love to keep providing this professional platform for athletes and fans, plus upgrade light-, music and camera equipment and love to go "on the road" with scheduled shows. To do so we are seeking financial urgently support.
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Funding period
4/5/19 - 6/14/19
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 5,000 €

Wir können weiter regelmäßig familienfreundliche Wrestling-Events veranstalten und kaufen neue Licht- und Kameratechnik.

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Wrestling is our passion!

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